i am a survivor

in Dec of 2009 I got the phone call that I had breast cancer , I was really scared my sister had breast cancer a bout three years before so I thought that I would not get it boy was I wrong .I had stage three breast cancer I had to have chemo and then surgery and six weeks of raditon .I was so up set I thought that I was the only one having breast cancer but when I started treatment I found a lot of people that had the same as me , so I know I wasn't alone ,one of the worst days for me was my hair started falling out,so I went and had my head shaved then I looked in the mirror I had a shock that wasn't me i so cried . the chemo made me so sick all I wanted to do is stay in bed I was so nausaed all the time it was awful . when I went to chemo i was all ways sick but the nurses were so kind they always had a smile I called them angels because I knew that they cant not help everyone , six months after having breast cancer I had a lung cancer I was so scared not another cancer to deal with , it was a stage one so all I had to have was surgery, I needed something more in my life to get through all of this so I went to church I found peace and comfort there I met a lot of new friends it has been five years thank God and the people that where there for me and my dear husband who passed away in May

Boise, ID