I am a man, how can I have can I have breast cancer?

In Jan of 1978 I was at my M.D. office while there I mentioned to him a lump on my left breast I had noticed. He looked at it & said not to worry it was just a fatty tumor. A few weeks had gone by & I noticed the lump seemed larger & seemed a little sore. I finally did call my M.D. office. Of course I listened to him once more, after all he was the Doctor ........... I was at his office again for my yearly check up, and brought it up once again. He sent me across the street to another doctor To have it checked. After a exam, he decided to do a biopsy there in the office. He said he would call me with results. A couple of week later I got the call from his nurse......... She said I needed to come in to his office that same day......... When I got there I was taken to his office, where when he came in, put his hand on my sholder & said Gary I am so very sorry ........ YEP CANCER . My life changed that day. What the hell was intraductal cancer?????? I didnt know but I had it. Two surgeries later, Two rounds of chemo, three rounds of radiation, Loss of all hair, the sickest I had ever been in my life................. The good news finally came in 1980 .......... YEPPERS it was gone !!!!!! I had gone through this ordeal alone ....... no family, no girlfriend, just me alone with my awesome doctors, & my good friend My Lord Jesus Christ. It really made me a stronger person for it though. From that day on Mammograms each year until 20012 ............ Now just every 5 years. YES I HAD KICKED CANCERS ASS ALL ALONE, other than the hand of GOD and my truely wonderful team of doctors. Now cancer free for 34 years .......... MEN AS WELL AS WOMEN PLEASE CHECK YOURSELF.......... DONT BE STATISTIC ........... Together we can beat it ............TOGETHER WE STAND AS ONE AGAINST IT !

Nashville, TN