her story

My Mom's story started in 2011.She found a lump in her left brest.Didn't have insurance so she put it off for a year till her medicare kicked in.She was a very private person and didn't want any one to know about her problem.She didn't know the help that was out there.By the time she got it checked and removed she had 33 lymphnodes infected.She still had both of her breast.She went through chemo and radiation.Living in Florida while her family lived in Michigan,she took the bus every day to her treatments,alone.Six monthes later she was getting sick and falling.She called me and told me she had a brain tumor.It was right next to her brain stem.It was removed,she had radiation and back to Houghton Lake MI I brought her.Then we found out the tumor was triple neg(the most aggressive) and was spreading fast.This was july of 2013.She had by Aug numerous more that returned.15 treatments of radiaton and by Nov 27th 2013,five days after Birthday, it took her life.I kept her at home.She had nights when her and I were up while she was getting sick.Day after day she would lose her mind due to the cancer in her brain.I had Hospice and they were a God sent.I am a Nurse Aide my self so it was easy for me to take care of my Mom.I watched her take her last breath and I wouldn't of had it any other way.I guess what I'm saying is Please make sure you get your self checked.It could have saved my Mom's life and it could save yours.

Kimberly costanza Peake
Houghton Lake, MI