7 years ago a mammogram changed my life!

This was my first mammogram I was 41!
I had it go back and they found a lump something I could not feel! I was in the early stages so keeping the savarity of my cancer from my kids was my plan. I have a 3. 6, 9 year old then kids. two girls and my baby is a developmentally delayed, boy with epilepsy. When we met the cancer Dr, , who I love, He mentioned chemotherapy. I could hide the surgery but the chemo I could not. Being a hairstylist since I was 18 and knowing I was going to loose my hair( I know vien) I lost it. I then had to tell my kids. I did loose all of my hair. My son took it well laughing when daddy shaved MY head.( role reversal). My middle daughter wanted me to get a Hannah Montannah wig(blonde I am so brunette). My oldest daughter took it the hardest. But because my out look was good, and I kept our life as normal as possible. We all did great. I have a rock as a husband. He was great through it all.even when I was the only woman I know who gained weight during chemo! He sat with me and played dominos, joked during every chemo session. He would say "Laurie that person gained weight this week too" lol . He helped me realize I had a great life worth fighting for! Honestly I think he was afraid to raise the kids alone. Going on year 6 cancer free! I cherished everyday! today try not to sweat the petty stuff! Live,love, laugh!!!!!!!! I love that saying!

Laurie Galvin
West bridgewater, MA