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52 year old male

I am a 52 male with stage three breast cancer. This is my second posting on here. I have now had chemo and my surgery. I had a mastectomy as well as the removal of 15 limp nodes. I'd like to give credit to my team of Drs. As well as my team of supports I couldn't have gone this far alone. Mostly I'd like to get the word out that men do get breast cancer.

Bakersfield, CA

im a fighter

im a fighter

hi im christine i was diagnosed in theyear 2000 with breast cancer so they removed my right breast after chemo and radiotherapy i was doing well 6 years later in 2006 it came back in my left breast so had the other one removed as well more chemo and i also had a hystorectomy the same day to prevent ovarian cancer as my neice died of that, 13 years on and im still here fighting am in the clear now and thankfull for every day i also lost my sister to breast cancer i have 2 other neice,s who also have breast cancer but we are all strong willed and refuse to give up think positive it really helps after the shock of being told i thought no youre not attacking me without a fight so dermined i just thought positive every day, even through all the bad days of chemo i just kept thinking positve as its the only defense you have cancer is big in my family. and has attacked all the females my daughter is 17 im hoping she has not got the faulty gene but if she has we will be strong and fight all the way to all you ladies out there be strong think positve i think it really works god bless you all xx

stockton on tees, United Kingdom

Mammographers gets Breast Cancer, too.

Mammographers gets Breast Cancer, too.

I'm the one who performs your mammogram. I come out to the waiting room and I see your nervousness. I know sometimes we have met before and sometimes we haven't. I will always smile at you and treat you kindly because I chose to be in this profession. I have empathy for your anxiousness, your prior experience and your previous problematic mammograms, you may even have had to come back for extra pictures. I may not have been through what you have been through but because I care I have empathy. I have been getting my yearly mammograms for 3 years now and in November 2013 I was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. I now have more then empathy but I can't yet put down into words all that I have gained with this experience that I am still in the midst of. I've had 3 breast surgeries and I start chemotherapy in March 2014. I will continue to do your mammograms and continue the fight for early detection of breast cancer. Mammograms won't find every cancer but they are still our best screening tool.

Alissa Noble, RT(R)(M)
Naples, ME

Almost There

Almost There

I was diagnosed with Triple Negative breast cancer at 39 years old on September 9, 2013. The decided to do chemotherapy on me first to shrink my tumor, I went through 4 rounds of A/c every other week and 12 rounds weekly of Taxol...It appears so far to have shrunk from 6.5 cm x 6cm to 3.5cm x chemo did its job....... I still have testing to do in 2 weeks and then on to surgery. But, yay Today was my last day of Chemo! I have had alot of supportive Family and Friends of course I can't wait for it to be over but I am fightin the fight...!!! :-) ~To Be Continued~

Arnold, MO

32 years old with my baby boy

In june 2013 I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy me and my hubby were over the moon. Not long after I discovered a lump in my right breast , out of fear ,the unknown or pure ignorance I decided because of its timing it must be due to pregnancy and hormones! It grew to a considerable size so I decided time to see the doctor who assured me it was a breast mouse , she referred me for tests were again I was told it had to benign due to my age. On 19th dec are worse nightmare happend, it was breast cancer. It was confined to the breast fortuately. But with alfees 1st Xmas ahead of us we enjoyed every min knowing been miserable would change nothing. The ball got rolling in the new year. I had a metal marker inserted in the lump so they could keep an eye if shrunk completely I had ct scan and a heart scan to check ok to go on heceptin. Knowing there would be no more children was tough. But I had my 1st chemo 1of 6 and it shrunk the lump from 3.9cm to 1.5 cm , it hasn't spread and I have just had 2nd chemo. I did have a week in hep due to temp and low cells but all good with a very positive head on and lots of support! I do have bad days but were all human, I look at my boy and pray I'll see him grow up and I will !

Rachel hunt
Scunthorpe, United Kingdom

My fight with Breast cancer.

My fight with Breast cancer.

2008 I was diagnosed after three surgery's , Radiation for six weeks and
Five years of Hormone therapy, Mamograms, and Doctors visits am cancer
Free, God willing. I had a Mamograms every year since I was forty but they
Said those awful words you have cancer, but it was non aggressive because
They caught it early.

Dottie Hirtle
Brockton, MA

My 2nd Fight

My 2nd Fight

Let's rewind to 2011 when I first was diagnosed with Stage 2 Ductal Carcenoma. I cried, I yelled and then I got mad. I was only 40 years old, have a wonderful husband and 3 amazing kids. I met with my surgeon and oncologists and a Lumpectomy, radiation and hormone therapy was in order. I was so blessed that all went smooth.
In June of 2013 it was back, this time on the outside of my lung. Chemo started in July and I was scheduled for 4 of the AC treatments, which turned into 6. The week before Christmas I had a routine bone scan and was told it was in 2 spots and was secondary to the chemo as it didn't show on the scan in June. So, now chemo every 3 weeks for the rest of my life.
So again all the emotions come back but I then remember this fight is not over. I have great doctors, family, friends and coworkers. I am Strong and I will not give up. Its not in me to give up, I have everything to fight for.
Love Life, Give your all and Fight with all your might.

Chester, VA

my breast cancer story

I found out 18 years ago, just one week after my daughter was married, that I had breast cancer. during surgery they found that it was in 7 of 24 lymph nodes. life was so uncertain, but with God and my families help, I endured chemo and radiation. I now have four handsome grandsons and life is just wonderful.

alexis mills
trenton, NC



In December 2013, I had this tattoo done in honor of my mom. She was diagnosed in September 2013, had two surgeries and 4 weeks of radiation treatments. She is now doing great. She is a fighter and stayed very positive throughout the whole thing. I am very proud to be her daughter.

Meridian, ID

Young Aussie girl diagnosed at just 34 years

Young Aussie girl diagnosed at just 34 years

Just over 2 years ago I received news that changed not only my life but the lives of my family and friends. Whilst at the time the news was devastating and there were certainly moments when I didn't think I would make it... I am proud to say that I am a happier, healthier and stronger version of the girl I once was.
It was the 16th June in 2011 when at the age of 34, I discovered my breasts were trying to kill me. It came as a huge shock to me and my young family and our lives were turned upside down! Just days earlier I had found a lump by accident after scratching under my arm and onto the side of my right breast. My doctor sent me for an immediate mammogram, ultrasound, fine needle aspiration and core biopsy and I had a feeling then that this might be serious.
Unfortunately the news wasn't good. My doctor phoned to say 'you have malignant breast carcinoma'. Let me tell you, it is something you can never prepare yourself to hear. The days following were a whirlwind! I underwent a mastectomy just 48 hours later and had to endure more surgery just a week later when I was advised that cancer had been found in my lymph nodes. I was given a few weeks to recover before commencing chemotherapy. My Oncologist advised that I would need to complete 6 rounds of chemotherapy and 5 weeks of radiation.
My journey still continues and I am currently recovering from corrective surgery following a bilateral breast reconstruction performed last year. Life is great and I love spending time with special family and friends. My husband has been amazing throughout this journey and I just hope and pray that we will share many more special times together and more importantly, have the opportunity to watch our young daughters grow into amazing young women.

Emma Taylor
Perth, Western Australia, Australia