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My Murphy's law story

My Murphy's law story

For my 45th birthday I received a call from my doctor, he had no clue it was my bday. Non-invasive ductal carcinoma in my left breast. From that day forward I chose to do what my doctors suggested. I became a super patient, I listened, I read, I changed my eating habits and I stepped up my faith walk. Hey! I was a single working mom of 2. My daughter a college graduate, was seeing a man who'd eventually be her husband and my son was in his sophomore year of college. I'd worked for the government for over 25 yrs and had no clue what this journey would be like. I wanted to live, be healthy again and get back to life as I knew it. From the onset of my treatment plan things weren't easy. During surgery my doctors found out I had shallow breathing and they had to perform an intubation. In recovery I was given morphine and discovered I am allergic to it, my arm had swollen like the nutty professor. During my first round of chemotherapy and after not being told to take precautions in my surroundings and germs that abound, I ended up suffering from pneumonia, it would take a total of 3 months, tons of steroidal cough medicine and 43 lbs weight gain. By my 2nd course of radiation my chemotherapy needle hadn't been placed in my vein correctly, it infiltrated my vein and caused a horrific burn, blood clot and collapsed vein in my right arm. Subsequently for 22 months my treatment plan had all the severe side-effects every step of the way. As I journaled and photographed my entire treatment, it became so increasingly therapeutic that it became a book, due out this year. HER2+ a real look into the non Hollywood, difficult be doable cancer treatment. The real story told the way a patient should hear it. I am a survivor, I've been through the fire, my faith sustained me and I live to tell others it can be accomplished. My name is Kym Renee Keyes

Kym R. Keyes
Rialto, CA

From Young Breast Cancer Survivor too Tough Mudder

From Young Breast Cancer Survivor too Tough Mudder

Hi, My name is Pam and I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer 3 years ago at the age of 27.. I am married have 2 children age 1 and 3 at the time and had chemo, double mastectomy, radiation, & reconstruction. (I previously shared my story of treatment)

In May 2014 I was sick of being tired and weak all the time I had always been very athletic and all these treatments had taken a toll. I decided I could either sit & do nothing about it or plan a goal and work hard too attain it. I signed up for the Tough Mudder and trained hard for 4 months doing 5am workouts while my kiddos were asleep. I went from not being able to do one push up to doing over 30.

I finished Tough Mudder last weekend and the feeling is indescribable. My husband and I did this run called possibly the toughest on the planet. It was 10 miles and contained 20+ military based obstacles, including 12 foot walls, 30 foot drops into water, icewater plunges, electric shocks, inclined monkey bars and tons and tons of mud. I unfortunately lost the sole of my shoe around the 1st mile and by mile 5 my knee was throbbing but I was determined to finish so I finish the last 5 miles and did every obstacle! (I now have a sprained knee) The team work astonished me as strangers helped each other to make it to the finish cheering each other on. I had men and women help pull me up walls and out of the mud when I fell. I'm here to tell you we can do anything we put our minds too! Never let anyone tell you any different. I plan on doing this again next year and a bunch of new things.

When was the last time you did something for the first time? The speaker challenged us and now I challenge all of you try something new every week whether it be large or small because nobody is guaranteed tomorrow!

Pamela Meads
Sanford, ME

Shocked with a breast cancer diagnosis at 26 years old

Shocked with a breast cancer diagnosis at 26 years old

I was diagnosed with Stage II breast cancer at age 26, five months after the birth of my first daughter. When I went to my post-partum check up, my OB found a lump. On January 23, 2006 I went back to the surgeon for the results of my biopsy, and he uncomfortably let me know that the tumor was malignant. Because the tumor was too large for a lumpectomy, and I was not ready for the though of losing my breast, I began my first round of chemo. I lost my hair two and a half weeks later. The tumor shrunk, and on May 16 I had my lumpectomy. The lumpectomy was not successful, and on October 26, 2006, the surgery was performed. Over the next six years, I underwent a total of seven further surgeries to put permanent implants in, fix an infection, replace deflated implants, biopsy a new lump that appeared on top of the implant after the birth of my second daughter, and have the reconstruction re-performed due to issues with the first reconstruction. Through the course of this process, my marriage crumbled. I went through emotions I never thought I would feel, and grew into a person I never thought I had the ability to become. The strength I found in myself amazed me, and I am a person today that I am proud of, and that I hope my children can be proud of.

Mindy Matthews
Medford, OR

Woman, wife, mother, warrior

Woman, wife, mother, warrior

My name is Shannon, but my husband calls me “Mimzy”. I am 34, married and have a daughter that is 6 years old. I hadn’t been feeling well in at the end of June of 2014 and went to the doctor for a blood test the following month. He found elevated liver enzymes and requested a CT scan. That same afternoon he called us in and told me they happened to find a mass on my left breast and metastatic spots on my liver and bones. A week later I was diagnosed officially with stage IV invasive ductile carcinoma, estrogen positive, progesterone positive and HER2 positive. The doctors are certain which therapies my cancer will respond to and are positive that they can put the cancer into remission. For each treatment and cancer appointment, I have worn a Beatles shirt. They are shirts I have owned or that have been given to me. At the end of the journey, I will turn all my shirts into a victory banner quilt. I have completed 10 rounds of radiation and will begin my first round of chemo on Aug 29th. I have maintained a warrior-mentality. I have bad days, but then I pick myself up and remind myself why I must fight and press on. My faith sustains and grants me grace to fight. I am so thankful for the family and friends have joined TEAM MIMZY. I had gone recently to a family reunion and my family members were all wearing “team mimzy” shirts. It is so encouraging to have the strength of others to draw from when you are running low some days. My favorite quote for my battle is: “Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.” –Jimmy Valvano.

Shannon Lewis
Erie, PA

My She-roes

In January 2012, my older feisty sister Tenise's breast cancer came back aggressively after she had been in remission for just 4 months. It was the first time I saw fear. She was the smallest of us 6 sisters, but she was the fighter and the protector. We had no doubt that she would beat this second go-around as well. We prayed and believed. Sadly 2 days after her surgery, she received her wings March 26, 2012. A few days before Trenise's funeral, my youngest sister Sonya's husband insisted that she get a mammogram. Well to our horror, about 3 weeks after burying one sister, Sonya breaks the news that she too had breast cancer. It knocked the air out of us all. We were all so afraid. But after the tears, we realized that WE had to dig deep past our fears and be a strong positive support for an already positive Sonya. We dropped everything and drove the 300 miles distance where she lived to do WHATEVER she needed which included wig /scarf shopping and cleaning. We had laughter, some scares, and yes some closet tears.. In August of 2012, the day of her surgery to remove the cancer, there was a hint of fear that lingered in the waiting room. We knew in the back of our minds that this could very well be a replay of the day Trenise had had her surgery and died. Thank God, January of 2013 our baby sister rang that victory bell with a smile that could light the sky. Almost 2 years later, she is stronger than ever. So.. we all feel that my older sister Trenise, the protector, took those wings in order for her baby sister to get that mammogram and discover the cancer at an early stage, and for us to discover an unbelievable love and strength we all possess. We could had lost them both. Trenise saved Sonya and she is my she-roe. They both are..I wrote this song for them,and all who wears THAT Pink color of courage..Thank you and God Bless.

Sherri Mosley
Kansas City, MO

Nearing the end of an unfortunate journey

Nearing the end of an unfortunate journey

Today, I was overjoyed, when my plastic surgeon removed my bandages, just 6 days after surgery. Let me tell you, it wasn't the most pleasant experience, as everything is still very much sore and tender to the touch. I would have given anything for him to remove my cyborg tubes, but unfortunately, I am stuck with them, until next Tuesday.

My plastic surgeon was very impressed, with how things are healing. It won't be long before the OR will be prepped again, for my next surgery, when I will once again, go under the knife to switch the expanders for real implants. But before such time, I will need to go see him, a couple of times, so that he may "blow up my balloons", to their "optimal" size.

A few months down the line, once I have healed from the switch, I will once again see my surgeon and he will reconstruct some new nipples for me.

In retrospect, had I known then, what I know now, I would have opted for a double mastectomy, instead of having gone through the trouble of a lumpectomy, back in March. How concerned I was, about losing a nipple ... a simple nib of flesh!

When you are given a choice between life or possible death, it's becomes a no brainer!

Just to know, that whatever could have killed me, was removed from my body ... there is no greater feeling!

I had a choice. I made my choice. I chose life. I chose to live!

I am nearing the end of this unfortunate journey, with the biggest smile on my face!

I am truly blessed!

Nina Wozniak
Lachute, Canada

My tat

My tat

I'm a 56 yr old 2 time survivor. First at 26 yrs. old (1984) and then again at 30 (1988). This is the tattoo I got to mark the spot of my first bout.

Parma Heights, OH

Strength in the middle of my biggest storm

Strength in the middle of my biggest storm

My cancer was not detected the way one will expect nor treating it was the usual way. I underwent approximately eleven surgeries the biggest one was the double mastectomy. Even though my body went through a lot during this time I thank God that I was spared from any radiation or chemo....that's a miracle.
Three months prior to my diagnosis I lost my dear mom to a different illness and I remember how optimistic and bravely she fought. Her faith and bravery I've taken with me. I've been blessed to have a supporting husband, two amazing daughters and sisters to whom I'm so thankful to have by my side every step of the way.
My body has obviously changed but I choose to look at all my scars as wounds of victory. I have been cancer free for 5 years now. During this journey I've learned so much of myself and really appreciate those who have expressed their love for me unconditionally.
I can't imagine going through something so difficult without faith in God and the support of a church family constantly praying for me and my family.
The future looks bright and I'm so ready for it!

Mayra C. Torres
Pembroke Pines, FL

I am Truly Blessed

I am Truly Blessed

I am blessed. Today marks my 5 year survivorship with breast cancer!

Two years prior to my mothers passing, God helped me find forgiveness for her seemingly unforgivable behavior while I was growing up which allowed me to be with her during her final months. Near the end, she began calling out to her father, who had passed away 45 years earlier. I am convinced my grandfather was in the room with us waiting to take my mother home. She passed away within a few hours.

Just three weeks later, my test results were in; bilateral invasive ductal carcinoma. I was thrown into a world where I had to make life altering decisions while trying to understand terms, concepts and doctor's titles that, up to that point, I knew almost nothing about. Witnessing the interaction between my mother and grandfather took the fear of dying out of the equation. After the initial shock, I was able to put 100% of my energy into research and preparation for what seemed like an endless cycle of surgery and recovery. The cancer was cut out of my body via a bilateral mastectomy. Biopsies showed that I had cancer behind the cancer we didn't know about, but they got it all. My lymph nodes were clean as well. I didn't need traditional chemotherapy or radiation - only daily medication for 5 years.

After all this, yes, I consider myself blessed. There were many important life lessons along the way. God put the right circumstances and the right people - family, friends and medical professionals - in front of me every step of the way. I am thankful my heart and mind were open enough to listen.

Raleigh, NC

My Journey with Breast Cancer

My Journey with Breast Cancer

I had just started a new job when I found the lump in my breast. It was during my cycle so (being a nurse) I waited to see if anything would change. When it didn't, I decided to wait until the next cycle ended to see what happened. {Nurses are notorious for waiting things out}. Even though both of my grandmothers had breast cancer, I'm 37, I never thought it would actually be cancer. After much prodding from a friend who said she would go with me, I went. I'm so glad she did. I found out on 6/3/14 that it was breast cancer. My husband was on a mission trip in the Dominican Republic when I got the news.I was scheduled to leave for my mission trip to the DR on 6/9/14 and I felt that I really needed to go. That God was saying, "Take this time to process" and it was ok with my doc so I went. I am so glad I did. It was such a spiritual experience for me.
We have 3 little girls so we decided to wait until I returned from my trip on 6/18/14 to tell them. They were devastated. I had a double mastectomy on 6/20. I started chemo on 7/30/14. It took awhile for my Oncotype DX results to come back. In the study with % from 1-50, mine was 69% chance of recurrence in 10 years! My oncologist said he had never seen a number than high...guess it's my good genes :) The first treatment landed me in the ICU with a white blood cell count of 0.6 and a temp of 105.5! I was there for 5 days! I just had my second treatment yesterday. I'm not sure where this will all lead. But I know that God has shown me that no matter what, I will be ok. That I will be here for all of those firsts still yet to come with my girls. I am getting through this purely through God's strength. Without Him, I don't know how I could face all of this.

Shana Carnes
Statesboro, GA