From Young Breast Cancer Survivor too Tough Mudder

Hi, My name is Pam and I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer 3 years ago at the age of 27.. I am married have 2 children age 1 and 3 at the time and had chemo, double mastectomy, radiation, & reconstruction. (I previously shared my story of treatment)

In May 2014 I was sick of being tired and weak all the time I had always been very athletic and all these treatments had taken a toll. I decided I could either sit & do nothing about it or plan a goal and work hard too attain it. I signed up for the Tough Mudder and trained hard for 4 months doing 5am workouts while my kiddos were asleep. I went from not being able to do one push up to doing over 30.

I finished Tough Mudder last weekend and the feeling is indescribable. My husband and I did this run called possibly the toughest on the planet. It was 10 miles and contained 20+ military based obstacles, including 12 foot walls, 30 foot drops into water, icewater plunges, electric shocks, inclined monkey bars and tons and tons of mud. I unfortunately lost the sole of my shoe around the 1st mile and by mile 5 my knee was throbbing but I was determined to finish so I finish the last 5 miles and did every obstacle! (I now have a sprained knee) The team work astonished me as strangers helped each other to make it to the finish cheering each other on. I had men and women help pull me up walls and out of the mud when I fell. I'm here to tell you we can do anything we put our minds too! Never let anyone tell you any different. I plan on doing this again next year and a bunch of new things.

When was the last time you did something for the first time? The speaker challenged us and now I challenge all of you try something new every week whether it be large or small because nobody is guaranteed tomorrow!

Pamela Meads
Sanford, ME