Shocked with a breast cancer diagnosis at 26 years old

I was diagnosed with Stage II breast cancer at age 26, five months after the birth of my first daughter. When I went to my post-partum check up, my OB found a lump. On January 23, 2006 I went back to the surgeon for the results of my biopsy, and he uncomfortably let me know that the tumor was malignant. Because the tumor was too large for a lumpectomy, and I was not ready for the though of losing my breast, I began my first round of chemo. I lost my hair two and a half weeks later. The tumor shrunk, and on May 16 I had my lumpectomy. The lumpectomy was not successful, and on October 26, 2006, the surgery was performed. Over the next six years, I underwent a total of seven further surgeries to put permanent implants in, fix an infection, replace deflated implants, biopsy a new lump that appeared on top of the implant after the birth of my second daughter, and have the reconstruction re-performed due to issues with the first reconstruction. Through the course of this process, my marriage crumbled. I went through emotions I never thought I would feel, and grew into a person I never thought I had the ability to become. The strength I found in myself amazed me, and I am a person today that I am proud of, and that I hope my children can be proud of.

Mindy Matthews
Medford, OR