My Mother Sent Me a Message From the Other Side

First of all, I am blessed to say that I'm a 5 year breast cancer-free survivor!

However, when I first diagnosed I was devastated and scared. It wasn't until I received an email from a former high school classmate of mine that I was able to pull myself together. She told me she was home alone when she heard a women's voice say, "Gladys says, Darcy will be fine." Then she told me, "Honey, I don't know anyone named Gladys!" She said she kept hearing the exact same message over and over again all day long, and finally decided she'd better share this message with me. She ended her message by say, "I'd be curious to know if this means anything to you." You can imagine her surprised when I called her immediately after reading her email and said, "It makes total sense to me. My Mom that died of breast cancer was named Gladys!"

I will be eternally grateful to my classmate for sending me this message. It was exactly what I needed to hear in order for me to take charge of my health, stay positive, and fight through this entire ordeal Although my breast cancer was only Stage 1 and it was found in just one breast, I made the decision to have a bi-lateral mastectomy with reconstruction. As a result, I did not have to have radiation or Chemo! Plus, I now have 2 new perky boobs!!

My Mom was right....I am fine!! Thanks Mom!

Darcy Stuck
St. Joseph, MI