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iam currently a cancer survivor 2010

Hello everyone, i was diagnois with breast cancer in right side April 30,2010. At first iwas in deniel thinking it was nothing then after talking to my doctor i was sent to a facility for a biopsy and it came back abnormal, i was shocked not understanding what is happening to me!! i was sent to a breast surgeon for surgery on july 20,2010 which was successful! then i had to have Radiation a month later also the pill tamoxifen which i have a problem with! i am currently getting radiation treatment for 6 weeks,i've been very fatigue within the last 2 wks.its a rough road for me very tired! during my illness my son which is 22yrs old never been there for me!! i have 2 brothers never came 2 see about me at all and we have been close over the years! they all left me all alone!! I've been stressed out about it but through counseling and support groups iam doing well. I thank god for helping me get threw this and healing me! Thank god for my few church friends and buddies who never left me and was and is still by my side along with my savior jesus christ! I thank god for them.

Rahway, NJ

Losing my Beloved mother to Breast Cancer

Losing my Beloved mother to Breast Cancer

My mother passed away on January 9, 2007 from Breast Cancer, she struggled for 7 years she did not catch it in time so the cancer had spread all though her bones.
She went into the hospital on New Years Eve for a blood clot to her brain, since that day she went into the hospital she was never the same. She started losing her memory couldn't really talk, then her liver started to fail it was really sad hearing from the doctors that there wasn't anything they could do for her.
So we didn't want my mother to pass away in the hospital so we did the Hospice Care out of her house. By that time she didn't talk anymore didn't even really notice that anyone was there was as if she was in a comma. Then one night while my brother and I went out to grab some food real quick, we got a call from the hospice nurse saying our mother had just passed away.
I was really sad to not be able to see her before she went to heaven, but some people tell me my mom didn't want to leave my brother and I like that as if she didn't want us to remember her that way.
I know she is no longer in pain and suffering she is in a better place, but I still can feel the pain of losing my mother I have tears in my eyes as I write this.
My mom was only 52 years old and I am proud for what she has done and been through she was a fighter.
Miss you mom R.I.P.

Justina Davis
Phoenix, AZ

What a year!

What a year!

In February 2010 I was diagnosed with breast cancer.So I prepared myself for hair loss and cut 14 inches of my hair to donate before I would lose it.I had made jokes and used humor to get myself though this situation.I had a 5 cm tumor that was removed in March.Then I found out I also had thyroid cancer.I'm thinking wow, I'm so lucky this was caught so soon and at the same time to get it over with. So after my first round of chemo my thyroid was removed. I continued with my chemo and handled that pretty good also Last week I had another surgery on my breast to collect the remaining margins that the surgeon didn't get the first time around.The good news is there was no more cancer in those margins or any of the scar tissue However my surgeon went a little further and there was more cancer in the good tissue that had not been detected before in the mammogram, ultra sound and even the pet scan.With that news I was finally scared. I'm a single mother of two great girls.I have to show my girls that I can beat this! So in the October the surgeon will take both of my breasts.It seems to be becoming a little tougher and I wonder when I will be able to stop taking these blows that keep hitting me.The biggest thing for me is being realistic about it. I refuse to go crawl in a hole to deny it. I am a strong woman that will continue to stay strong and fight! I am truly blessed for my family and friends support.This truly has been one heck of a year and the fight is on!

Michelle Day
Fresno, CA

My Sister Diana

Last December my sister Diana passed away after a long time with Breast cancer. She had been cancer free for over 13 years when she started having problems again. After putting it off for a few months she went back to the doctor and found out that her cancer was back. She had decided not to do chemo again. The doctor told her she would not have to and that there was a pill she could take, but it would only be effective for about 18 months. It was not to make the cancer go away, but to stop it from progressing. With the faith she had in God, her cancer was going away. After 18 months she decided not to go any other route, she was tired of being a guinea pig with meds. For over a year she walked at least 8 miles a day until the August before she passed away. She was one of the strongest people I have ever known and was an inspiration to many people. Her faith made mine stronger each day.

Sue Gallagher
Evansville, IN

Breast Cancer x 2

Breast Cancer x 2

This is a battle against cancer times 2. My sister Jackie Chavez age 58, on the left was diagnosied with breast cancer on June 21, 2010, and has since had a double mastectomy and started chemo on Sept 13, 2010. My niece, Michelle Mynatt on the right age 39, beat breast cancer for a year, it came back with a vengence on April 21, 2010 as Stage 4 Brain Cancer with 4 masses, and has progressed now to her lungs, liver, thyrod, several masses on her body. We live day by day. We love our family so very much and can not believe this has touched a Daughter and Mother in such a close time frame. CANCER SUCKS!

Sheryl Gorman
Diamond, MO

My Mother-In-Law

My mother-in-law has battled cancer for almost 10 years. And that's 10 years after they told her she only had a couple years left. She is a small business owner, and EXTREMELY active in her community. She hosts several fundraising concerts a year for various things. Look her up, check her out. Vivian Erickson, owner of The Oakridge Motel in Oakridge, Oregon. You may be able to find the most recent news article about her by googling her. She makes me proud to call her my Mom. This world is going to be less one amazing person and survivor when the disease finally claims her. She began her fight with Paget's Disease, and is nearing the end. Send her some love!

Don Schaefer, son-in-law of a real hero.

Gresham, OR

My 2 Sisters

My 2 Sisters

My parents had four daughters and five sons. The two oldest sisters in the family have both battled breast cancer. Ferne is now cancer free but we lost my sister, Sharon, in March 2008. She was such a fighter!
The cancer returned twice before she died.
My sister, Ferne, is also a strong woman. She survived a heart attack earlier this year too.
I make sure to keep up with my annual check-ups.
My two sisters inspire me daily to never give up, no matter how tough life can be. I love them both very much. Sharon's memory is always with me. She is dearly missed.

Pam Townsend
Bakersfield, CA

November 16th will be 4 years

November 16th I will be a 4 yr. breast cancer survior> I had a bi-lateral mastectomy and reconstruction. This brought out a family history of 5 cousins on my daddy's side. Now my two daughters are very aware of the risk thank God.

San Antonio, TX

My Hero My Mom

My Mom was diagnosed in may of 2010 with a stage 2 cancer, she had a mastectomy of the left breast in july and now is going through her chemotherapy she has already had 3 treatments and her last one is on october 13. she lost her hair just recently, and she is doing very well, she doesn;t have any severe symptoms like the nausea and the vomiting. She is a very strong woman now but when she told me about the lump on mother's day she told me she didn't want to do anything about it. she pretty much wanted to be with my dad who passed away 3 years ago this august. When she said this. It upset me. I told her no she is too young she is only 65 yrs old and has 8 grandchildren to live for. so I had to make all of her doctors appointments and take her to them because she wasn;t going to, well that was 6 months ago and she is a trooper, but now we have to worry about her white count because it is very high, they say she may have an infection, but otherwise she is great. I told her recently that I saved her life. and she said she was greatful...

shawn z
toledo, OH

to those I love for Latrice

When I'am gone, just release me,let me go into my afterglow,You mustn't tie me down with your tears,let's be happy that we had so many years.I gave you my love, you can only guess how much you gave me happiness.I thank you for the love you each have shown, but now it's time i travewled on alone.So greave foe me a while, if grieve you must then let your grief be conforted with trust.Its only for a while that we must part,so bless the memories within your heart.and when you must come this way alone,I'll great you with a smile and welcome home. we hung this in Latrice's hospital room her final days, it was a big help. love you my wife and your daughter miss you too. glad your in a better sppot. thank you LORD

St. Petersburg, FL