What a year!

In February 2010 I was diagnosed with breast cancer.So I prepared myself for hair loss and cut 14 inches of my hair to donate before I would lose it.I had made jokes and used humor to get myself though this situation.I had a 5 cm tumor that was removed in March.Then I found out I also had thyroid cancer.I'm thinking wow, I'm so lucky this was caught so soon and at the same time to get it over with. So after my first round of chemo my thyroid was removed. I continued with my chemo and handled that pretty good also Last week I had another surgery on my breast to collect the remaining margins that the surgeon didn't get the first time around.The good news is there was no more cancer in those margins or any of the scar tissue However my surgeon went a little further and there was more cancer in the good tissue that had not been detected before in the mammogram, ultra sound and even the pet scan.With that news I was finally scared. I'm a single mother of two great girls.I have to show my girls that I can beat this! So in the October the surgeon will take both of my breasts.It seems to be becoming a little tougher and I wonder when I will be able to stop taking these blows that keep hitting me.The biggest thing for me is being realistic about it. I refuse to go crawl in a hole to deny it. I am a strong woman that will continue to stay strong and fight! I am truly blessed for my family and friends support.This truly has been one heck of a year and the fight is on!

Michelle Day
Fresno, CA