My Hero My Mom

My Mom was diagnosed in may of 2010 with a stage 2 cancer, she had a mastectomy of the left breast in july and now is going through her chemotherapy she has already had 3 treatments and her last one is on october 13. she lost her hair just recently, and she is doing very well, she doesn;t have any severe symptoms like the nausea and the vomiting. She is a very strong woman now but when she told me about the lump on mother's day she told me she didn't want to do anything about it. she pretty much wanted to be with my dad who passed away 3 years ago this august. When she said this. It upset me. I told her no she is too young she is only 65 yrs old and has 8 grandchildren to live for. so I had to make all of her doctors appointments and take her to them because she wasn;t going to, well that was 6 months ago and she is a trooper, but now we have to worry about her white count because it is very high, they say she may have an infection, but otherwise she is great. I told her recently that I saved her life. and she said she was greatful...

shawn z
toledo, OH