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The wait

At my annual mammogram last March I was proud of myself losing 70 lbs in a year. This time they could see my breasts and not lift up fat tissue to get to them. When the doctor showed me my baseline and then this one and they looked smaller I smiled, however, when she pointed to something that she didn't like I felt the life drain from me. I spent the next 2 hrs in ultra sound only to have the doctor tell me to return in 6 mnths. I have spent the last 6 mnths in self pity worrying myself sick and treating others without thought. I lost interest in me, stopped working out, eating right & gained back half the weight it took me to lose. 6 months was up today. I had waited to find out and I now I didn't want to go. If I went I'd find out and then it would be definitive. I had not told anyone in my family what was happening and so I called my sister. I told her to talk me into going. She told me to buck up (a word my 104 yr old grandmother who has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer uses) and do it. I got dressed in my bedroom with photos of my kids filling every nook and I vowed that no matter what happened at my appointment I would change. As I drove to the office for my appointment pink ribbons adorned the streets marking October as breast cancer awareness month. Results in and the doc gave me my cancer free ticket. Today is the start of my new life and I promise to live it.

Batavia, NY

Mother & Daughter Survivors

Mother & Daughter Survivors

My Mother and I are both breast cancer survivors. We participate in fundraising and events to further breast cancer research and education. We both feel so blessed to be a part of the wonderful and inspiring community of women that are survivors.

Chico, CA

stage 1 diagnosis

september 3rd 2009.
i found the lump myself and went for the ultrsound and biopsy.and on the 16th went with my hubby and got the results nobody wants to on the 29th i had a lumpectomy on my right breast,luckily for me and the low grade tumor i didnt have to have chemo,just 30 radiation treatments.that was the hardest the blisters.but thanks to the internet i found emu oil and it helped my skin heal the i have recently made it to my first year still cancer free.and still fighting not going to keep me down.

sharon stuart
fontana, CA

My Story

My Story

Hi my name is Wendy and I had breast cancer in 2003. I am now a 7 year survivor. Fortunately, they caught mine early enough that it did not spread anywhere. I did go through some aggressive chemotherapy and lost my hair after only one week. I think that's the worst part. Losing your hair can be pretty devastating to a woman. The wigs are sooo itchy and hot. I usually wore bandanas. Work was nice enough to let me wair all sorts of different hats. I think I had 4 wigs. One day I was a blonde, the next a redhead. That was pretty cewl!!! I would get a lot of second looks when I wore a different wig the following day that I previously had worn something else. I think people were not sure whether to ask or not.
After the chemo was finished, life pretty much went back to normal. I had left masectomy with reconstruction done all in the same day. Pretty cewl tho, to wake up with bigger breasts, considering I had mosquito bites before. lol. I have to consider myself very lucky that I survived it all and was truly miraculous how I actually discovered that I had breast cancer. I was lying in my bed one evening watching a movie and happened to feel around my breast area only to discover what I thought was a lump. When I had it checked, the spot I had discovered was actually nothing but my breast bone but around deep down further was where the spot actually was. Weird how nothing was where I assumed it was yet it was like someone or something told me I needed to be checked. So please get it checked out. Someone may be trying to tell you something too!!!

Wendy Sutheard
Springfield, IL

Jesus Love me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I found a lump while taking a shower one morning. I did get frightened only a little. The next day I scheduled a mamagram and the results came back as suspicious finfings and that they needed to look at it further. I was sent to have a digital mammagram which confirmed it as positive for breast cancer in both breast. I cried. My friend shared a scripture with me from the BIBLE Ez:16:6-9. I meditated on that scripture and made it personal for me. I was due to have possible breast removal surgery on 12/31/09 but the doctor couldn't find the lump when he examined me, so the surgery was put off and another mammagram had to be done to locate it. (Long story short) through my prayer and faith in God I was spared from breast removal I only had a lumpectemy and all of the cancer was removed. ALL OF IT !!!! God is so good.

Paris, TX

How lucky am I

Just as life was getting less complicated after the break up of my relationship, looking after my father during his last years and down sizing my home to a 2 bedroom Victorian cottage (which I loved) I had a mammogram and was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had a masectomy and reconstruction with the best support from Southend Hospital (Laura) and Broomfield Hospital (Miss Shaw) wonderful support from my children and ex husband and his wife without I do not think I could have coped. Now 7 years later I have a wonderful life having met and married a wonderful man John and together moved to Clacton on Sea to retire. Cancer is not the end, but the beginning of appreciating everything life has to offer you, and meeting very special caring people.

Patricia Phillips (Franklin)
Clacton on Sea, United Kingdom

annual mammograms

I had my annual mammogram in April and it showed a nodule. The surgeon looked at the mammogram and went for the main mass I thought was fibrocystic tissue. Apparently so did the radiologist. After examining me the surgeon immediately said it was cancer. He didn't biopsy the nodule just did a needle biopsy there and then. It was cancer. I had a very large lumpectomy, enough I need a partial prosthesis. Then one lymph node showed positive so another surgery to remove lymph nodes was scheduled. I got in with an oncologist while waiting and got my pet scan. It was positive for cancer in my spine, one vertebrae. The MRI also showed it so they did a bone biopsy. After 30 radiation treatments and monthly zometa IV's for my bones plus daily Femara I was pronounced in remission PRAISE GOD! .I had a mammogram 1 year ago and it was fine. The bone mets happened before I was even diagonosed so it shows how important annual mammograms are. I wish I had done one at 6 months when the mass appeared. But I always had so many it wasn't feasible. And insurance only covers 1 a year. The tumor was 1 inch but the rest of the 3 inches they removed was fibrocystic like I thought. I could have paniced, got anxious, fell apart but I didn't. God gave me courage and peace that was beyond my ability to have so I know it was from Him. GET YOUR MAMMOGRAMS.

St Louis, MO

HER2 Neu Positive Cancer

I had DCIS (for those who do not know, is pre cancer in the milk ducts) 9 yrs ago, found by a breast reduction. Nothing was done for prevention, execpt MRI, ultrasound, and then yearly mammograms and a visit to a breast dr. This year they found a 9 mm spot deep in my breast which would never have been felt by an exam and I opted for the double mastectomy and am currently doing my chemo. Luckily for me I go every year for my mammogram -- very important.

No history in my family either but am lucky they found it early and with 90% cure rate, I am more fortunate than most!! Woman, get your yearly mammograms; nothing is more important, aside from your self exams, for early detection!!

Fairfield, CT

My Real Hero

My Real Hero

My siter being diagnosed with Breast cancer has opened my eyes and changed my life in enourmous ways. I have given up some really bad habits, learned who the TRUE Heroes in life are. It is said everything in life happens for a reason, but I am still trying to figure why of all people this would have happened to why would it be my Lil Sis Kelly. She has been an inspiration to me in life always, but now she has become my hero, and the person who has changed my life for good. Thanks Sis

Hamilton, Canada



My journey began in 2004 & am still battling along. I am a survivor i am tough & will beat this. My biggest strenght comes from family & friends. And to all those people out there that are just beggining their jouney, have strengh & above all have positive thoughts, I know some days are hard but eventually u will come thru this & be a stronger person because of this. My heart & my prayers go out to all including the families of those involved.

Cheryl Brooks
Kingscliff, Australia