annual mammograms

I had my annual mammogram in April and it showed a nodule. The surgeon looked at the mammogram and went for the main mass I thought was fibrocystic tissue. Apparently so did the radiologist. After examining me the surgeon immediately said it was cancer. He didn't biopsy the nodule just did a needle biopsy there and then. It was cancer. I had a very large lumpectomy, enough I need a partial prosthesis. Then one lymph node showed positive so another surgery to remove lymph nodes was scheduled. I got in with an oncologist while waiting and got my pet scan. It was positive for cancer in my spine, one vertebrae. The MRI also showed it so they did a bone biopsy. After 30 radiation treatments and monthly zometa IV's for my bones plus daily Femara I was pronounced in remission PRAISE GOD! .I had a mammogram 1 year ago and it was fine. The bone mets happened before I was even diagonosed so it shows how important annual mammograms are. I wish I had done one at 6 months when the mass appeared. But I always had so many it wasn't feasible. And insurance only covers 1 a year. The tumor was 1 inch but the rest of the 3 inches they removed was fibrocystic like I thought. I could have paniced, got anxious, fell apart but I didn't. God gave me courage and peace that was beyond my ability to have so I know it was from Him. GET YOUR MAMMOGRAMS.

St Louis, MO