The wait

At my annual mammogram last March I was proud of myself losing 70 lbs in a year. This time they could see my breasts and not lift up fat tissue to get to them. When the doctor showed me my baseline and then this one and they looked smaller I smiled, however, when she pointed to something that she didn't like I felt the life drain from me. I spent the next 2 hrs in ultra sound only to have the doctor tell me to return in 6 mnths. I have spent the last 6 mnths in self pity worrying myself sick and treating others without thought. I lost interest in me, stopped working out, eating right & gained back half the weight it took me to lose. 6 months was up today. I had waited to find out and I now I didn't want to go. If I went I'd find out and then it would be definitive. I had not told anyone in my family what was happening and so I called my sister. I told her to talk me into going. She told me to buck up (a word my 104 yr old grandmother who has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer uses) and do it. I got dressed in my bedroom with photos of my kids filling every nook and I vowed that no matter what happened at my appointment I would change. As I drove to the office for my appointment pink ribbons adorned the streets marking October as breast cancer awareness month. Results in and the doc gave me my cancer free ticket. Today is the start of my new life and I promise to live it.

Batavia, NY