My Fight against Breat Cancer

I found a lump in my breast on 3rd October, i then went to my Doctor on 4th October who reffered me to the hospital, my appointment came through for the following wednesday, i was really nervous, the consultant checked me out and then proceeded to draw on my right breast, i thought this is not good, i then had a mamogram but as i turned i saw the image on the screen, i then had to have a scan and was told that they need to give me a local anesthectic, then i started to cry, i was told not to worry it can be treated, i then had to see the consultant again, who had to prepare me for the worst, i had the rare form of breast cancer that grows behind the nipple, but he needed my results before we could proceed, i had to return the following Monday. Monday arrvied and off we went to the hospital, yes the news was not good, i had got Breast Cancer, my whole world fell to peices ,i was booked in for the 26 October to have a masectomy and all the nodes taken out i had my results they got the cancer out but, i am now waiting for my chemo to start that will be 1 session every 3 weeks for 4 months then i have to have radio therapy 5 time a week for 3 weeks, i will loose all my hair but looking on the bright side i can still see my beautiful daughter grow up, and that is what im thankful for.

west midlands, United Kingdom