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The Brave Women In My Life

I have been affected by breast cancer in many ways in my life. Although I have not been personally stricken with the disease, people who were near and dear to me were.

My grandmother Eleanor died from breast cancer in December 1979 when I was just 2 years old. Even though I don't remember Nana, I feel an enormous connection to her. There really is not a day that goes by that I don't find myself "talking" to her or asking for advice. I feel as if there is a part missing but the there is a connection to her that I have that is amazing and I will always keep her memory alive.

My cousin Robin died when I was just about in High School. I remember frequent visits and family outings with my family and hers. I remember watching from afar not fully understanding what was happening to her. We ended up living really far apart at the end and I remember vividly the last Christmas we spent together. I remember thinking how amazing and strong she was putting on the brave face and making sure the family had a great time no matter how tired or sick she felt. When she passed she left behind two little boys who, from what I can tell, are amazing themselves. She also left with me the image of courageousness and I miss her terribly.

I just wanted to share my experiences of bravery and strength and hope. I hope that if someday I need to deal with this type of issue I have the strength and courage they both did. I try to do my part by participating in events and walks as well as encouraging other women to take the necessary precautions they need to.

Naugatuck, CT

my journey

i was diagnosed almost 2 years ago, on march 24th, 2009. in the 10 days that followed, i had an MRI, met my surgeon, discussed my options, had surgery to have my port inserted, had a pet scan, met my oncologist to finalize my treatment and started chemo. looking back, i think that was the hardest part. those days were filled with uncertainty. you have so many new things thrown at you, things you have never heard of or ever wanted to hear of. in addition, you are trying to absorb the fact that a doctor has told you that most frightening of all words, "CANCER". i decided early on that this was going to make me a better person. i have a strong faith in god and was determined to give him the glory in this situation. i had (and still have) an incredible support team, from my husband and 2 daughters, to my family and friends. i have become passionate about helping other newly diagnosed women, especially young women. i was 38 when i was diagnosed and was simply shocked that someone my age could have breast cancer. i am a member of a young survivors group and hope next month to join an advocacy group that guides other women through their cancer journey. my name is jennifer lewis and i am not only a cancer survivor, i am a victor!

jennifer lewis
jacksonville, FL


I am a five year survivor with a wonderful family and friend support system. The desire to see my then two year old granddaughter grow gave me motivation. A wonderful friend who is also a minister gave me a bless when he found out and I had a spiritual healing. One of the most amazing experiences of my life. I decided that if I having cancer and surviving allowed me to help only one person, then that's the reason I went through what I did. God bless everyone!

Barb Stone
Thompson, PA

Breast Cancer Survivor

On October 23,2009 I was dx with breast cancer one week after my 39th birthday..on Nov 13,2009 I had a left breast mastectomy...On Dec 14,2009 I had my first chemo treatment on my baby girl Caitlyn bday...On March 31,2010 I had my last chemo treatment...On Sept 24,2010 I had my right breast removed an reconstructed on my mommy bday...On Dec 7,2010 I had my left breast reconstucted...Yes I am a yr survivor of breast cancer....As the yr is ending my new life is beginning...I would like to Thank my Mommy an Daddy for truly being there for me while I was getting chemo an multiple surgeries...I like to Thank my 3 beautiful daughters for all their I like to thank Rhonda an Jaz for being there for last but least I like to that my man my best friend my lover for loving me unconditionally an showing me how to love again...Even though we have only been together for 7 months an in a serious relationship 6 months in jan it feels like I've known you for a lifetime...As I bring in the New Year I have learned a lot bout myself family an most of all I like to Thank God for my life,my 3 beautiful daughters Chelsea Cari , an Caitlyn, my family, my man Rodney an my freinds...May God Bless all of you!!!!!...This is a picture of me 10 months after chemo treatment an at my daughter Cari field trip inon Dec.2, 2010.

La Shawn Barnes
Cockeysville, MD


I just came from my annual mammogram. I don't pay for it, it just is part of my medical coverage which I am grateful for. Daily I get my reminder to "Click" and each day I read some stories of hope; I am inspired by all the strength and courage from women who have faced such uncertainty and then survival. I am lucky enough to be cancer free and have no family history of cancer. I wish only the best for every woman out there going through their battles with cancer. Please, everyone, do a daily click to fund mammograms for women in need. I just realized I can add a link at the bottom of my emails ....hmmm this could be good :D Have a happy and strong 2011 ladies!
/_\ peace

Mission, Canada

A woman's Intuition

I went in for my routine mammogram in May 2010. Called back and told it looked like I had DCIS and I needed biopsies. I had 6 core biopsies and they all revealed DCIS. I made the appt. for a lumpectomy and radiation. 2 days before my surgery, I changed my mind as to how to deal with this. I changed to a mastectomy. I don't know why or how I came to this conclusion. My mom had passed 30 years prior from lymphoma and maybe she sent me a secret message. Anyway on June 3rd, 2010 I had a r mastectomy and the pathology revealed several invasive high grade tumors her2neu positive. Negative nodes. I would never have known this. I finished chemo 2 months ago and am now on herceptin until June. I will have my other breast removed next month as a prevention. I am a single mom of a 10 year old boy and cannot lose this fight. I've always believed in listening to your gut and heart and this time it saved my life.

San Diego, CA

My Guardian Angel

My Guardian Angel

My grandmother died from breast cancer with mets to her lungs and brain in 1974. I was only 10 months old and do not remember her, but have lots of pictures of her holding me. Even though, I did not get to know her, I feel very close to her and feel like she has always been with me. I realized she has been my guardian angel when I was 22 and had a very close call in a car accident. Of course, time slowed down during the wreck, but I felt so comforted and had a vision that she was sitting behind me with her arms around me holding me in my seat. I didn't receive one scratch during the wreck and I know she was there keeping me safe! I will never forget that moment when I realized she has been with me, protecting me from harm all of my life. That is why I am a huge supporter of breast cancer as she is still with me, reminding me to do my monthly breast exams. I am a Registered Nurse and spend extra time and effort in teaching breast health to patients, friends and family.

Amy Baker
Duncan, OK

The day my results came in...

I remember the slam in my chest like it was yesterday! What do I tell my kids? I can't even pull into my own driveway so I can go into my own house and cry cuz 2 mins before I get home a vehicle crashed in front of my door steps. They left that dead body to lie in front of my picture window for 5 hrs. Was I crying for him or me? What if I wouldn't of taken that 2 mins to drive by my boyfriends house to see if he was home first? It was a very bad/sad day. I feel blessed cuz now I have 2 birthdays a year! My original, October 16th and my cancer-free, Feb 3rd. I'm gonna be 5!......again! LOL!

Terry Renecker
Fargo, ND

Carla's Story

Carla's Story

hmmmm,,,, a challenge to get months worth of emotion and fact into 300 words but here goes....A new lump, history of fibrocystic disease, not a big deal right? Will wait to get it checked after our first vacation together to mexico. Dr, ultrasound, mammo, biopsy (reassured by radioligist, 90% chance just a fibromydoma, I was doubtful, suspicious new lumps in armpit) May 5th at 36 diagnosed with breast cancer, I, married, 2 sons, 15 and 17, education assistant, the journey begins. Treatment was swift! (lucky or is it very serious?) surgeon, oncologist, MRI's, CT scan etc etc. Diagnosis, very aggressive cancer, stage 3C. Treatment, 6 months chemo, double masectomy. Excitement! all removed tissue responded excellent to chemo! gone! Celebrate, share the news! Oops, not aware of the node in chest cavity was in-operable (we weren't told, an oversite) Oncologist, radioligist, rushed procedures,Tamoxifen (yuck, weight gain, headache, HOTTER hot flashes!) 5 weeks radiation coming up soon before and reconstruction can begin. It has been 9 months now, still moving forward. Despite it all, unable to work, hairloss, pain, fatique and all the other 101 side effects I still tell people how lucky I am for so much. Family, healthcare providers, friends and even strangers, giving me strength with their love, support, prayers, positive vibes! I am blessed, there are way more smiles then tears! Wish me luck, as I hope for you the best in your journey. I will live and learn as I continue to share some of the roller coaster with a photo journal for friends and family on my fb page, ahhhhh, the internet, somedays my link to the world!

Carla Gabel
Yorkton, Canada

Keep Your Yearly Mammogram Appointments

Five years ago, I went in for my yearly mammogram. My appointment was on a Tuesday, and then the next day I received the call saying I had an abnormal mammogram. I'm a very optimistic person, but I just knew this time something was different. Two weeks later I went in for a biopsy and was told I had breast cancer in my right breast. Luckily, it was found in its early stage. I had a lumpectomy and 36 radiation treatments. Today, I am cancer free and I know every day is a true gift from God. For everyone reading this or to anyone you may know, please encourage all women to get their yearly mammograms. My lump could not be felt because it was so deeply embedded in my breast, so therefore the mammogram was a lifesaver. I prayed daily for God to give me the grace and peace I needed to handle such a difficult time. He hears all our prayers, and today I'm a much stronger woman for having gone through this.

Nashville, NC