Keep Your Yearly Mammogram Appointments

Five years ago, I went in for my yearly mammogram. My appointment was on a Tuesday, and then the next day I received the call saying I had an abnormal mammogram. I'm a very optimistic person, but I just knew this time something was different. Two weeks later I went in for a biopsy and was told I had breast cancer in my right breast. Luckily, it was found in its early stage. I had a lumpectomy and 36 radiation treatments. Today, I am cancer free and I know every day is a true gift from God. For everyone reading this or to anyone you may know, please encourage all women to get their yearly mammograms. My lump could not be felt because it was so deeply embedded in my breast, so therefore the mammogram was a lifesaver. I prayed daily for God to give me the grace and peace I needed to handle such a difficult time. He hears all our prayers, and today I'm a much stronger woman for having gone through this.

Nashville, NC