A woman's Intuition

I went in for my routine mammogram in May 2010. Called back and told it looked like I had DCIS and I needed biopsies. I had 6 core biopsies and they all revealed DCIS. I made the appt. for a lumpectomy and radiation. 2 days before my surgery, I changed my mind as to how to deal with this. I changed to a mastectomy. I don't know why or how I came to this conclusion. My mom had passed 30 years prior from lymphoma and maybe she sent me a secret message. Anyway on June 3rd, 2010 I had a r mastectomy and the pathology revealed several invasive high grade tumors her2neu positive. Negative nodes. I would never have known this. I finished chemo 2 months ago and am now on herceptin until June. I will have my other breast removed next month as a prevention. I am a single mom of a 10 year old boy and cannot lose this fight. I've always believed in listening to your gut and heart and this time it saved my life.

San Diego, CA