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Cancer Survivor

Cancer Survivor

In April of 2007 at age 71 my Mom was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer. She was devastated as there is no history of breast cancer in our family. We had no clue as to what we were dealing with or would have to go thru. We were referred to Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center in Morgantown, WV to see Dr. Jame Abraham. Dr. Abraham was a blessing for us. From the first visit he was great. He explained everything that would happen and what we could expect in the months and years to come. We started treatments immediately and had to travel every 2-3 weeks for them. This was a 3hr drive one way for us so it was very tiresome. The end of August 2007 Mom had her left breast and several lymph nodes removed and then had to go thru 45 treatments of radiation then treatments started all over again. Over the course of the next 3 years it was on again off again treatments as P.E.T. scans would show signs of lighted up areas of concern. She has not had a treatment and has been cancer free for about 2.5 yrs now. My daughter and I have stuck by her side thru all of this My daughter will be 11 in April and has been by her grandmas side since she was 4. Along with Dr. Abraham and his wonderful compassion and smile my Mom has kept her head up and kept a positive attitude. We continue to pray things will continue to be good, but should something turn up again we will be ready to fight it again. My Mom is my inspiration and proof that by having strong support and encouragement you can overcome....Just keep smiling and never let it control you!!

Judy mullens
Brandywine, WV

Soldier/Warrior daughter of God! "La Leona"

Soldier/Warrior daughter of God! "La Leona"

I found my lump in early Feb, 2011. By Feb, 14th, 2011 I was getting a biopsy (SOOO PAINFUL!) & it was confirmed I had breast cancer. Of course I was devisted. By March 17, 2011, I had a lumpectomy done, many emotions of course, but needed to survive for my daughter. By June 15th 2011, I was done with treatments. I must say it was a journey that has totally given me a different perspective (positive) on life itself. Before this I suffered from a car accident with many surgeries, fibromyalgia, & ect.... but for some reason this experience was different. I remember right after my surgery from the lumpectomy I had another car accident, 2011, of course both not my fault, but it seems life is/was trying to knock me down, but being a strong believer & keeping my faith in God has kept me positive. Of course I would go through my emotional depressions due to all of this because I am human, but my God is powerful & has lifted me up! I am healed by his blood ty Jesus! For he is an awesome God! Sure, I have many testimonies, but why dwell on yesterday when God has better plans for me! Amen! God has a purpose/plan for us all so please don't give up because it's what the devil wants. We are God's children & he wants the best for us all! FAITH/BELIEVE! I am a Soldier/Warrior daughter of God! This is why I am "La Leona" = "The Lionist" God bless mi gentes on all of your journeys in life & remember: Don't do unto other's what you don't like done to you, everyone has a story & a battle they're fighting of their own. God bless xoxoxoxoxox

La Leona
*******, NJ

I an Blessed!

November 2012 I had to sit my 12 year old little girl down and tell her my bad news. I had Breast Cancer. I'm a single mother, the thought of leaving her was to much, so I fought! Very aggressively! ! I caught mine early, only stage 1, but I still had 4 rounds of chemo, 30 rounds of radiation and surgery of course. In December of 2013, I was told I am Cancer free! Do I still worry? Yes. Do I still panic every time I have an ache or pain? Oh course I do! Am I praying every day that Cancer will never be a part of my life again? You bet I am! I pray for all of those out there still fighting. For an end to this horrible disease and for those researchers and doctors that work so tirelessly to make that happen. I am truly Blessed. I feel like I am part of a very unique club! A club of ordinary women, or at least we all started out that way! May God continue to Bless each of us and walk with us thru whatever life holds.

Nancy Hubbell
Loganville, GA

I fought not only for me but my boys

I fought not only for me but my boys

I just celebrated my baby boys 1st birthday when i found a lump,at the urgency of my husband to go to the dr, or as he put it if it was one of the boys you would of been there in a heartbeat. I was diagnosed at the age of 34 with stage 2 breast cancer. My life then became a whirlwind and before I knew it life was no longer what i once knew. But what i did know was everything i chose, i chose because i wanted to watch my babies grow. I am now 6 months cancer free and almost done with full reconstruction.....always remember to lean on your friends and family, they will get you through the most difficult times

jackie ventrudo
staten island, NY

The day that changed my life forever...

The day that changed my life forever...

My name is Renee on November 1st, 2013 I will remember that day forever as I was told that I have stage 3 breast cancer (I found the lumps myself). I cried alot then got with my family & friends made all the important decisions on how to fight this battle. November 22nd 2013 I had a double mastectomy which 4 lymph nodes turned out to be cancerous as well so, on December 6th 2013 I had a 2nd surgery and had several more lymph nodes removed but thank goodness those were all negative. Now today February 4th 2014 I am celebrating my 55th Birthday and fighting the biggest challenge in my life. This Friday I have chemo treatment #4 then 12 more after that, then several weeks of radiation after that my reconstructive surgery then hormone therapy. My goal is to be cancer free by this summer and getting back to enjoying my family, friends and life feeling good again. I want to thank all my family, friends and even total strangers that continue to help me to stay very positive and give me strength and encouragement every day as I fight this battle I love you all.

Renee Billings
Lake Tomahawk, WI

Victory Over Breast Cancer

Victory Over Breast Cancer

My name is Jeannette Gregory I was diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer 9-9-08. My brother died from liver cancer 7 months before I was diagnosed and my sister died from breast cancer 1 day after I started chemotherapy treatments.It was not the cancer that affected me the most but the grief of losing (2) siblings.
I only had (2) options, live or die and I chose to live. In honor of my siblings lives I founded a non profit organization, Celebrate Life08. I continue to encourage, empower and educate women to fight to live as well as respect their bodies and take good care of themselves.
I had a bilateral mastectomy and did not choose any type of reconstruction. I thank God for the peace and healing he gave me through this battle. my life is consumed with sharing the same peace and healing with people all over the world. i have written several inspirational books for women and children to help them cope with this disease.
I promote breast cancer awareness, spiritual awareness and healthy eating. This journey has taught me so much about life and death. I have a zeal for life and helping others to fulfill their destiny. I would not trade my life for anything in this world.
when I ask myself, "Can I touch every woman with breast cancer or bring awareness to others? My answer is always, YES!

Jeannette Gregory
Charlotte, NC

Double the Fight

My name is Carla and I am 38. I was recently diagnosed with DCIS or Stage Zero Breast Cancer. I am very grateful for the cyst that prompted the mammogram, otherwise this could have been much worse. I had a wire guided lumpectomy 3 weeks ago and I will be starting radiation within the next few weeks and I will be taking Tamoxifen for the next 5 years (UGH).

I have been married for 4.5 years and I have a 3 year old daughter. When she was 4 months old, my husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma. He has been through many treatments and hospital stays. Most recently he had spinal surgery to remove a tumor near his spine where rods and screws were inserted. It was so heartbreaking to see the sadness in my daughter when neither of us could pick her up and hold her for a week. She is a beautiful, loving, bright girl and I can't believe she has to go through this at such a young age.

I have faith that my treatment will rid me of the cancer completely and I will be able to get back to being the caregiver for my husband and daughter. I can't wait until this episode is a distant memory.

To those that have fought and are now at peace, those that have fought and won and those that are fighting every day, you are my HEREOS!

Carla Clark
Concord Township, OH



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My name is Charmaine Kidd--61 year old female---I am a FOUR TIMES cancer survivor--the first time was breast cancer in 1993--second time was in 2008 then I had my spleen and left kidney removed--third in 2011 part of my right kidney and in May of 2013 I had to have the rest of my right kidney removed and my bladder---I am dealing with diabetes but not on any medicine for it since I started losing weight--also I go to dialysis three times a week for three and a half hours--- been on it for two years ---been taking some classes at a community college for the last two semesters---and how did I do it---I didn't--- it was thru the GRACE AND MERCY OF ALMIGHTY GOD. So if you are going through a battle with cancer and ask your self "LORD WHY ME?" like I did in 1993---God gave me the answer ==to testify to his GOODNESS and to ENCOURAGE someone else who may need to hear my story. There is a wonderful song by DEON KIPPING called "I DON'T LOOK LIKE WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH" if you saw me now you would never know what I have been through---- and that is why I constantly tell my story. But I don't get this twisted --it is really not about me---it is all about the GRACE AND MERCY OF GOD.



Teen Year survivor

I am a ten year survivor of breast cancer. In August of 2003 I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. In February of 2009 I was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. The cancer spread to my bones (spine, skull and pelvis). I had a Kyhoplasty on my spine. It relieved most of the pain in my back, but not all. I am not on any strong pain medication. When I have pain, I sit down and support my back and this relieves the pain. I have been on 5 different chemotherapies since 2009. I stay on each treatment until it stops working. The treatment has caused neuropathy which causes me to walk with a cane. (I am blessed to be able to walk). The experience has not been easy but I am surviving with support from my family, church family and friends. I know that I just have to hold on to God’s unchanging hand because he is in charge. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless me and bless my Doctors with wisdom and knowledge. All of us who suffer from cancer must keep on staying strong. Stopping is not an option until the Lord says so. We all have trials and tribulations' life is not with trials. Stay strong and keep the faith.

Ernestine Hicks
Lebanon, VA

Some days you never forget!

Some days you never forget!

I will never forget the day I was told I had cancer...I doubt any of us will

Last summer I started to get a strange painful feeling in my breast that radiated to my underarm. My doctor sent me for a mammogram and Ultra sound sure enough the lump they had been watching for 4yrs was still there and this time he was sure it was cancer and they would need to biopsy it. My heart sank into my chest and for moment I thought I would just jump off the table and run out of there and hide someplace safe...then I realized there is no safe place while this thing is inside me.
I was then told I would need a lumpectomy and radiation. The tumour was small (2cm) and hormone positive so all those things were a plus for me and my lymph nodes where negative :-)

I had 16 accelerated radiation treatments and am now back to work. Life is starting to fall back into place and a sense of norm is beginning again. I am definitely not the same person that went into that first visit..."I am stronger than I thought I was and I know I can do anything"....those are the words I told myself everyday....and I hope you tell yourselves as well

The picture I have submitted is of me January 23/14...this is the day I it was my turn to ring the cancer bell at Kingston General Hospital....a day and a joy I will never forget!!!

Charlene Ervine
Belleville, Canada