I an Blessed!

November 2012 I had to sit my 12 year old little girl down and tell her my bad news. I had Breast Cancer. I'm a single mother, the thought of leaving her was to much, so I fought! Very aggressively! ! I caught mine early, only stage 1, but I still had 4 rounds of chemo, 30 rounds of radiation and surgery of course. In December of 2013, I was told I am Cancer free! Do I still worry? Yes. Do I still panic every time I have an ache or pain? Oh course I do! Am I praying every day that Cancer will never be a part of my life again? You bet I am! I pray for all of those out there still fighting. For an end to this horrible disease and for those researchers and doctors that work so tirelessly to make that happen. I am truly Blessed. I feel like I am part of a very unique club! A club of ordinary women, or at least we all started out that way! May God continue to Bless each of us and walk with us thru whatever life holds.

Nancy Hubbell
Loganville, GA