Some days you never forget!

I will never forget the day I was told I had cancer...I doubt any of us will

Last summer I started to get a strange painful feeling in my breast that radiated to my underarm. My doctor sent me for a mammogram and Ultra sound sure enough the lump they had been watching for 4yrs was still there and this time he was sure it was cancer and they would need to biopsy it. My heart sank into my chest and for moment I thought I would just jump off the table and run out of there and hide someplace safe...then I realized there is no safe place while this thing is inside me.
I was then told I would need a lumpectomy and radiation. The tumour was small (2cm) and hormone positive so all those things were a plus for me and my lymph nodes where negative :-)

I had 16 accelerated radiation treatments and am now back to work. Life is starting to fall back into place and a sense of norm is beginning again. I am definitely not the same person that went into that first visit..."I am stronger than I thought I was and I know I can do anything"....those are the words I told myself everyday....and I hope you tell yourselves as well

The picture I have submitted is of me January 23/14...this is the day I it was my turn to ring the cancer bell at Kingston General Hospital....a day and a joy I will never forget!!!

Charlene Ervine
Belleville, Canada