Young Aussie girl diagnosed at just 34 years

Just over 2 years ago I received news that changed not only my life but the lives of my family and friends. Whilst at the time the news was devastating and there were certainly moments when I didn't think I would make it... I am proud to say that I am a happier, healthier and stronger version of the girl I once was.
It was the 16th June in 2011 when at the age of 34, I discovered my breasts were trying to kill me. It came as a huge shock to me and my young family and our lives were turned upside down! Just days earlier I had found a lump by accident after scratching under my arm and onto the side of my right breast. My doctor sent me for an immediate mammogram, ultrasound, fine needle aspiration and core biopsy and I had a feeling then that this might be serious.
Unfortunately the news wasn't good. My doctor phoned to say 'you have malignant breast carcinoma'. Let me tell you, it is something you can never prepare yourself to hear. The days following were a whirlwind! I underwent a mastectomy just 48 hours later and had to endure more surgery just a week later when I was advised that cancer had been found in my lymph nodes. I was given a few weeks to recover before commencing chemotherapy. My Oncologist advised that I would need to complete 6 rounds of chemotherapy and 5 weeks of radiation.
My journey still continues and I am currently recovering from corrective surgery following a bilateral breast reconstruction performed last year. Life is great and I love spending time with special family and friends. My husband has been amazing throughout this journey and I just hope and pray that we will share many more special times together and more importantly, have the opportunity to watch our young daughters grow into amazing young women.

Emma Taylor
Perth, Western Australia, Australia