Mother of 4
On June 10, 2015, I found a lump in my left breast while dressing for work. I got an appointment with my doctor that day thanks to a coworker that use to work for my OB/GYN. He felt it, thought it felt like a cyst but scheduled a mammogram to be safe. On June 19th I had a mammogram followed by an ultrasound and biopsy. It was Cancer. Here I was, a 34 year old wife and mother of 4, and now a cancer patient. I was scared, angry, sad, & depressed. My husband was there for me every step of the way, every appointment & treatment. I could not have done it without him. We held tight to our faith, we knew that we would get over this obstacle. I started Chemo on July 10th and had my last one on October 23rd, my husband's birthday, he said it was the greatest birthday gift ever. Two days later I was pushed in a wheelchair by my husband across the finish line for Making Strides against Breast Cancer, I was to weak to walk, but I showed up and completed it with friends & family by my side. I had a bilateral mastectomy on December 9th, my lymph nodes were clean and my pathology showed that no cancer remained in my breast. I had a complete response to Chemo. Our prayers were answered. We have an amazing Family, Church Family & work Family. During my treatment and surgery we had meals prepared for us, along with many cards and well wishes. I believe that it was a combination of Chemo and Prayers that healed me. My hair is starting to grow back and I am starting to feel my energy coming back, I no longer look sick through my eyes. I still have a long road with Herceptin, anti-estrogen pills for 10 years and reconstruction. But it is a small price to pay to have many more years watching my children become adults and growing old with my husband. I feel very blessed. Bring on the next 50 years.