July 2015 our lives changed forever when my wife Annalesha was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, a grade 3 tumour- Invasive ductal carcinoma. Since the day she was diagnosed I’ve admired her strength, will, determination and courage. Being diagnosed at only 30, with a 5 year old and an 11 month old child she's stayed positive and kept her spirits up despite entering the unknown. After much toing and froing it was decided that she would start chemotherapy before having surgery. My wife finished up her 6th chemo session on New Years eve and is now building her strength for surgery (bilateral mastectomy with node clearance) and pending radiotherapy. Although much of her journey is still unknown, she's keeping her faith and has always kept a smile on her face through it all. I'm inspired by her tenacity, courage and hope in the face of adversity and I’m so proud of her for fighting like the warrior she is.
TarikLondon, United Kingdom