It was just over a year ago (Dec. 18, 2014) when I heard the words I never imaged hearing..."you have breast cancer." With no known family history that was the first of many "rugs pulled from under me." You see, I had gone in for my annual mammogram two weeks earlier when a small mass was found in my left breast. I was sent for a biopsy and waited to hear the results.
So my journey begins. I'm diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, ER+, PR+. I get the gene testing done only because I'm Jewish. Doctor said I have only a 5% chance of actually having the BRCA gene. While waiting on the results we plan a lumpectomy for mid-January. Two days before my surgery the second rug was pulled...I'm BRCA2. New plan, at the end of January I went in for a bilateral, nipple sparing mastectomy with expanders.
In March I began my 16 rounds of chemotherapy, third rug. Throughout all of this I continued to work, I teach third grade and planned a Bat-Mitzvah for my youngest daughter. I have two beautiful girls for without them and my amazing husband I'm not sure I would have made it through the hard chemo times.
In September I had my expanders replaced with implants and in October I underwent, what I hope to be the last surgery, a total hysterectomy.
I lost my hair, my eyebrows, one big toe toenail(which are all growing back), my boobs, and my other female parts, but I never ever lost my spirit, positive attitude and my will to see my future. I am looking forward to a better 2016.
Coconut Creek, FL