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Defeating The Odds

Defeating The Odds

Hello. My name is Kanei Russey and I am a 26 year old mommy of three toddlers. I was not diagnosed with breast cancer but I was diagnosed and defeated cancer. I was born with Retinablastomia, a cancer that affects children from birth to age 5 that attacks the retina's or cause them to not form correctly. Doctor's kept diagnosing me with pink eye and failed to properly examine me and by the time the cancer was caught, it was in stage 4. The only options I had were: Have surgery where they would remove my eye completely or death. The doctor's explained to my family that even with the surgery, my chances of survival would be less than 37%. The surgery was a success and just to be 100% sure, I had to undergo a year of chemo-therapy. I went through my dark days to where I was being bullied very badly and that caused me to be suicidal, depressed and lonely. I was called mean things because I did not look like everyone else. I would never look in the mirror because I cringed at the monster looking back at me.

I will say that NOW, I am FINALLY comfortable in my own skin and I embrace my beauty. I realized that I had to overcome my own inner demons and accept that I was not that freak that people called me and that I am unique. I am now happy to look at myself in the mirror because I see a princess looking back at me. I want you all to know that although you may have cancer, cancer does NOT have you. Yes! Words hurt but we do NOT have to allow the things that people say to determine who we are or how we view ourselves!! To my fellow survivors: CONGRATS! To the one's that have been diagnosed: HANG IN THERE!!! The road isn't as long as it may look! To my fallen Angels: YOU DID NOT LOSE THE FIGHT AND YOU ARE HERO'S IN MY BOOK!!!!

Kanei Russey
Arkadelphia, AR

My ride on the brest cancer train.

As i write this, I am nearing the end of my journey. It has not been a pleasant trip, and has tested me at every turn. I was diagnosed November 1, 2013 with Invasive ductil carcinoma, thats right breast cancer. I called what family i had left and let them know, there were a lot of tears in the begining and a lot of prayers. The tears went away and then we sttled down to figure out what needed to be done to beat this thing. I have gone through 8 rounds of chemotherapy, lost all of my hair and my sense of taste, but am getting both of those back, I have had a lumpectomy and will very soon start radiation.

One night while wasting time on facebook, i saw a post my daughter, Nicole had made. SHe said

"I just want to say that my mom is my real life hero. No cape, no super powers, and no filter. If I was going through what she is, I honestly don't believe I could face the world everyday with an "f you" kinda smile and badass attitude. She's like the calm in the middle of a storm. She has more strength and self assurance than I can imagine. Even if I am just sitting on the sidelines, I know that at the end of this I'll be waiting with a bottle of Jack and some chocolate. I love you Momma."

Seeing this made me cry, she is right i have no filter if it comes to my mind it usually comes out of my mouth. my family has been there for me through all of this and even though we are not done yet, there still right here with me on this ride, Cancer is not fun, neither is chemo. I have found out who my true friends and family are and lost a bunch of the fake ones.

I have also found out that pineapple and pineapple juice are great for nausea! As we near the end of this ride, if you feel a lump, get it checked.

Michelle Griffen
Newberry, SC

Love you mama but not ready to join you yet.

Love you mama but not ready to join you yet.

My beautiful full of life mother was diagnosed BC at age 45, she lost her battle on the 12th October at age 49 :( I was sixteen and needed her so very much,my heart was truly broken. I was diagnosed with BC at age 45 on the 12th October.(history repeat,I'll be seeing you in 4yrs mum) I had grade 3ductal cancer, was given a mastectomy an ld flap reconstruction and then came my battle with the horrendous chemotherapy.Everything I went through I thought of my poor mum losing her fight. I am now 49 and 4weeks ago found a lump on my collar bone,Eeek! A quick scan showed it was nothing but simple scar tissue. I'm now four years cancer free :) I'm going to be 50 in December and a big party is booked and being planned, I believe in myself, I know I have beat it. I'm happy,I have 5 wonderful loving kids and 10 grandkids to keep me on my toes. I love you mama and I miss you everyday but I'll see you in a few years xxxxx

lynda jackson
Manchester, United Kingdom

My journey by Doreen

My journey by Doreen

Life was just going great. We had two foster kids and they fitted into our family baby girl from birth and a wee boy 4yrs old plus we had took my hubbies great nephew 8yr old jack who was getting put into foster care we took him in. But in April 2013 our life's changed dramatically. I was diagnosed with grade three invasive ductal carincinoma. Week later went in hospital for WLB and SNB. Result no clear margin and 3 lymph nodes affected so this meant I needed to start chemotheraphy straight away. I had to say goodbye to my foster kids this broke our hearts they had been with us for 17mths. Not only had I had this illness but to cope with this grief was very hard. I had 3 fec and 3 tax did leave me pretty ill. I was admitted to hospital on nov 2013 for mastectomy and the rest of my lymph nodes away plus reconstruction lasi dorsi. Woke up in ICU my heart and lungs were failing so they couldn't proceed with lasi dorsi recon and they had to quickly put in expander. Worrying time for my family n friends. 2 wks later I was discharged. Results they found more tumours in breast and lymph nodes so therefore chemo didn't work for me. Had to have more tests to check it wasn't secondary thankfully it wasn't. I then had 25 sessions of radiotheraphy burnt quite badly needed lots of treatment. Have been in and out of hospital with infections several times but hopefully that's finished. Things are starting to get back to normal now and we are busy decorating for a new foster kid coming and get back to normal and do the job I love. I have been told there is a high chance my cancer will come back as chemo never workd but I can't dewel on this. My husband, family and friends have been so supportive throughout. And I also met bunch of brave women called June jewels online in the breast cancer care forum great support and good friends now.

Doreen McKenna
Glasgow, AL

Thankful It's over

Thankful It's over

My name is itsanewday McAuley, it's been 8 years since my stage 3 breast cancer experience. I had major problems aside from having cancer, with my 3 children & I becomming homeless, by the 2nd chemo treatment. Not sure how we made it through, buit we did, and as a single mom I had to continue at work, and continue fighting breast cancer, until I WON!! So happy to be here to read all of the triumphant stories, shared from my sister survivors... keep it moving!!

itsanewday McAuley
Landrum, SC

My Journey as part of the Family of Breast Cancer Survivors

Hi I join a group of women with the diagnosis of breast cancer. I found out in October of 2012 with a scheduled mammogram. My son was almost 10 at the time. I just turned 55. Of course, being a nurse when we were looking at the screen I knew that something was wrong. I had an ultrasound the next day. I saw it on the screen. I went for the Biopsy and it was positive for DCIS. I immediately was sent to the surgeon and scheduled a right mastectomy. The tumor was Staged as 2b because of the size. I didn't have any in my lymph nodes and it was still contained within the tumor. The cancer was Estrogen + and HER 2 positive. No history of breast cancer on my mom's side of the family. She passed from heart attack 4 years before. I had to explain this to my son. I came home the same day and went back to work 2 days later. I felt if I stayed home I would just withdraw and that wouldn't be good for me or my son. I started Chemo Dec. 17, 2012. I had 6 rounds of Carboplatin, Taxotere, and 18 rounds of Herceptin every 3 weeks. The nausea medicine worked good for the most part. I could find enough to eat but hard time drinking. I had my days but tried to be positive most of the time. I finished the worse chemo on April 7 2013 and my hair started growing back in May 2013. I had a left mastectomy in Sept. 2013 and implants placed in Dec. 2013. My son's dad was not supportive and moved out in Feb 2013 so I finished it all with the help of my son and a few friends. My God has been my support through all this and my doctors were awesome. I am a single mom and worked through it all. My son is now 11 and am looking forward to see him grow into a good young man with strength and wisdom.

Starke, FL

I'm 34 yrs old this can't be happening!!

I'm 34 yrs old this can't be happening!!

Hi. My name is Kim. I am a 34 yrs old mother & step mother of a beautiful 6 yr old and 18 yr old.

My story begins 3 yrs Go. I just got out of a very messy divorce and meet the man of my dreams. He was a single father raising his daughter. Frank has had hi so own medical issues battling MS. Well about 1 1/2 yrs ago we found out frank had stage 4 lung cancer. Frank and I fought for him to over come the battle and he is in full remission. In August of 2013 I noticed I started getting pain and discharge in my left breast so I went and had a mammogram and ultrasound done, all came back good. My breast surgeon wanted to have me to the BRCA gene test. Dec 12, 2013 it came back I tested positive for BRCA2. It was recommended I see a geneticist, oncologist, and gynocologist. While I was seeing these doctors I noticed a lump in my left breast in Jan 2014. I called my breast surgeon and she sent me for an ultrasound. On feb 20, 2014 I was diagnosed we Invasive Diuctal Carcinoma. It was recommended I have a double mastectomy with reconstruction.

I had my surgery on April 29, 2014 and 6 days later received the call I'm CANCER FREE!!!

I still have a long road ahead with reconstruction and possibility of chemo but I will say I'm very confident in he decision I made. I always stayed positive for my family. I am healthy today for my family. With them I gained strength thru my battle and hope I can help others with their battle.

Kim addis
Philadelphia, PA

A Celebration of my last Chemo!

A Celebration of my last Chemo!

In December of last year, at the age of 45, I was diagnosed with Invasive High-Grade Ductal Carcinoma. Now I have lots of plans for the future - to grow old with my husband, to watch my daughter graduate and walk down the aisle, to hold my grandchildren and oh so many more! Losing a battle to cancer is certainly NOT on my bucket list!

The cancer was small so surgery came first. The cancer was removed with clear margins and It turned out to be Stage 1. I thought I might get out of chemo but since it was so aggressive, I was told I would still need it. Since then, I have had 5 rounds and this Thursday is my last. This story is really about the following poem - a poem I wrote to celebrate my last big chemo. I hope that some of you can relate and I hope that it brings a chuckle or two. :)


Goodbye to you, Chemo, my very close friend.
It is time our relationship come to an end.

I hear you’ve done good, and I’m certain it’s true.
Or my wonderful doctor wouldn’t have sent me to you.

However, the fact is, you are not very nice,
As close friends go, I would NOT pick you twice!

You have left my brain frazzled… fuzzy… unclear.
My eyes now see double and YOU TOOK ALL MY HAIR!!

I have no more muscle tone, I’m in terrible shape.
Since you left me exhausted and plum out of breath.

You have left my nails thin with ridges galore,
And menopause, well, it was only a stranger before!

I’ve had bizarre rashes and my skin is not right,
My face at times glows like a beacon at night.

So yes, it is time – I must bid you farewell,
Thanks much for your help but I can take it from here!!

Tracy Baldwin
Collinsville, OK

My journey starts

On April 21, 2014 I found a lump in my right breast made an appt. immediately and saw the Dr. two days later. Had a Mammo and Ultrasound on April 25th. Nothing was found although it can be felt and is painful so at my two week follow up on Wednesday May 7th, my Dr. said she wanted me to see a Breast Care Specialist. I was extremely lucky to have found a Dr. who I was able to see on May 8th and am now scheduled for surgery on May 20th to have it removed and it will be biopsied. I also have symptoms of IBC and have to have my breast biopsied for that. So my journey begins and am keeping the faith that all will be well. Not impressed with the imaging place I went to because of the issues I have had with them but for now I am on the right track.

Ellijay, GA

My Angel

My Angel

I honor my mothers memory this Mother's Day. She taught me courage and was a true warrior. We lost our mom back in 2011 to breast cancer. She was my hero, she walked her last Mother's Day 5k with me while she was still doing chemo. Little did I know that was the last Mother's Day I would spend with her. Today I ran with my moms spirit carrying me over the finish. A true warrior and my angel in heaven.

Olathe, KS