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BRCA Testing for a Needy situation

I am a Breast Cancer Survivor but this story isn't about me, it's about a friend of mine who is in a much more difficult situation than I am. She just recently went through a series of mamograms only to be told that they will follow up in 6 months, guessing it's probably just calcifications . However, she has a Grandmother who died of Breast Cancer at age 40 and her Mom who had Breast Cancer this year and also tested postive for the BRCA 1 genetic mutation gene. My friend is single and has a very limited income with no insurance. However, Myriad Genetics Laboratory, who runs this test has a program for individuals such as my friend. She was able to have this test taken at no cost to her. I don't know all the stipulations that allow a person to have the test covered for free but the fact that it's even available is pretty exciting. I am so thankful her Doctor was aware of this and set it up for her. We don't know the results of her test yet and we pray that she doesn't test positive. But at least everyone is alert to her high risk and things are moving at a more expedient pace. I'm thankful for what I have been through to be able to be there for her. She has no one to walk with her through these uncertain times and we all have to have someone there for us, always have to have people near us, around us, by our side at all times. Support is cruical! It is what helps make for survival.

Carol Overdorf
Indianapolis, IN

Explore All Your Treatment Options

Following my annual mammogram, a small tumor was found and I was diagnosed with breast cancer in September 2009. I had a lumpectomy performed the following month. The tumor was 7mm and I had four lymph nodes removed, which were non-cancerous. After getting three different opinions regarding post-op treatment, two of which concurred completely, it was recommended that I not go through radiation or follow up with any prescription medication because the tumor was so small, the margins were clear and the type of cancer was mildly aggressive. I'm so glad I took the time to explore all my options.
It's been almost a year now and I have a diagnostic mammogram every six months. Everything is good so far! I think positive, stay active, and eat healthy because I plan on surviving this disease!

Janis B.
Lake Forest, CA

Moral Support and Breast Cancer

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May of 2006. I had a lumpectomy, mastectomy and chemotherapy. It was a frightening time but with the support of friends, my husband, co-workers, wonderful doctors, and lots of prayers, I got through it. It has made me a stronger person and I try to give moral support whenever I can to others who are facing the same thing. It really helps. I feel very fortunate.

Carol Mockler
Bristol, CT

My support group

My support group

The end of 2007 I was diagnosed with stage 4 mestastic breast cancer. Of course I was scared and confused but knew I was blessed enough to have God, family, and friends that would help get me through this. I had a bilateral mastectomy, chemo and radiation.
My wonderful sister Christie, my mom Shirley, my niece Stephanie and my brother in law Tim were by my side cheering me on though it all. My dear friends JoAnn, Kristy and Nancy, and Gisele called with love and support and brought meals. My family did cancer walks, helped other patients and did all they could to raise awarness. This cancer took 18 months of their lives too, and not once did they ever compain or let me down. I am now a year cancer free, and we are all still trying to help where we can. My mom still goes to every doctor's appointment. My wonderful devoted sister is still my cheerleader and is now a volunteer with the ACS and is helping other women feel beautiful during treatment. Hang in there sisters, we will overcome. God's Blessings

Becki Medley
Santa Ana, CA

My sister my HERO....

I just want the world to know how proud I am of my sister Becki :) ...
She was diagnosed in 2008 with stage 4 breast cancer. This horrible disease took over her life but not her heart for a year. She is now cancer free and today has the same outlook on life as the day she was diagnosed. I admire her strength and faith and I am so Thankful she is my sister. She LOVES this website and is always buying things to help support others going thru the same journey she was sent on.I LOVE YOU Becki......
Love you for ever & ever
Your sis
Chris :)

Santa Ana, CA

Attitude and Faith

I haven't had cancer but in 1996 was told I had 5 years at best because of CHF. I could have given up or do just the opposite, which I chose. It was a tool for encouragement and telling others that only God makes such decissions and let the doctors know they didn't know my God.
Please all ladies never give up and remember your attitude can save your life. Positive thinking is such a healing source of overcoming anything. God Bless you all.

Claudia Boswell
Lemon Cove, CA

The Change In My Life

I have a relationship with my mom that most people don't have with there mothers. My mom to me is my best friend in the whole world.

My mom came in the door after being at work all day on February 22, 2007. I had been waiting on her to get home so that I could tell her about my day. I started to talk to her like there was nothing wrong. She had told me that she had been feeling a lump in her breast for a couple days and that she was trying to wait to see if the lump would just disappear but it hadn't. I told her that was odd and that she should maybe see a doctor.

My mom had agreed and said she had made an appointment to go see the doctor in a week. I kept telling myself and my mother that it is probably just a cyst and to not worry about it, that everything is going to be alright. She had been waiting a few days for those results after the surgery. My brother, Stepfather and I had been too. My mom came home after work with a disappointed look on her face. My mom was told she had breast cancer. I felt like my heart stopped beating at that moment.
I even catch myself in moments that I just cry because I know that my mom didn't deserve to have this happen to her. Although, who really deserves to have any kind of cancer. I never thought my mom, my best friend and hero, would have to fight for her life at this age and time. This changed my life in so many ways. I can only hope and pray that things will get better within time.

Jennifer Underwood
Hoschton, GA

Because of my child....

Because of my child....

I have realized that as a woman you never realize your strength until you become a mother. I was 30 years old and the mother of a wonderful 6 year old little girl when I was diagnosed with IDC. There was no history in my family of breast cancer and needless to say it was a shock. I had a flood of emotions mostly anger because I was too young to be dealing with all of this but I quickly got myself together. I was able to regain my composure and quit accepting defeat. I gained the will and determination to fight and beat the monster that is called cancer. I did so by looking into my daughter's eyes and saying, "I have to be here to raise her." I knew that if I lay down to it it would defeat me but fighting head on I had a chance. I got the idea out of my head that anything but recovery was a option for me and a lumpectomy, 26 chemotherapy treatments, 33 radiation treatments and several overnight stays in the hospital later I am still here. By the grace of God I am still here. I was surrounded by a wonderful support system and I am beyond thankful for my family and all of my extended family that was there with me and for me every step of the way. It's a shame that we at times have to look death in the face in order to begin to live but with my battle I begin life again. I am one-year survivor and looking forward to many more years cancerfree.

Berdnetta Browden
Saint Louis, MO

Breast Cancer Awareness Month helped Save my life

Hello, I am a breast cancer survivor. I found a lump in my left breast in August of 2001. I had a mammogram in September of 2001. the results of that mammogram did not detect that it was cancerous, according to the radiology report. I let it go for a few weeks & then October came & I saw the ads stating it was breast cancer awareness month. By the grace of God & the awareness ads I got a second opinion & I was diagnosed with breast cancer in October 2001 . I had a lumpectomy in November 2001, & went through chemo & radiation, all ending by the summer of 2002. Today I am cancer free. I have 2 daughters and because of what I endured, they are encouraged to start early with their mammograms & to never be afraid to get a second opinion.

Cheryl Talley
Oklahoma City, OK

My Battle With Breast Cancer

My Battle With Breast Cancer

I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in October of 2004, and was able to overcome this horrible disease for over 4 years.


Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with metastasized Breast Cancer on both ovaries in October of 2008, and then in my brain the day before Thanksgiving 2008. After 2 surgeries, I was hospitalized for over a month with a pulmonary embolism - a devastating complication of my cancer. I also was on steroids, which were not only debilitating, but caused my body to develop a dependency on them. After 5 months, I was finally able to free myself of these drugs.


Currently I am cancer free and recovering. I am currently in Physical Therapy and have undergone 18 weeks of chemotherapy. I am now down to a single maintenance oral chemotherapy drug that I take daily. I also give myself twice-daily injections of blood thinners to prevent any further life threatening blood clots.

Christine Walsh
Highland Mills, NY