BRCA Testing for a Needy situation

I am a Breast Cancer Survivor but this story isn't about me, it's about a friend of mine who is in a much more difficult situation than I am. She just recently went through a series of mamograms only to be told that they will follow up in 6 months, guessing it's probably just calcifications . However, she has a Grandmother who died of Breast Cancer at age 40 and her Mom who had Breast Cancer this year and also tested postive for the BRCA 1 genetic mutation gene. My friend is single and has a very limited income with no insurance. However, Myriad Genetics Laboratory, who runs this test has a program for individuals such as my friend. She was able to have this test taken at no cost to her. I don't know all the stipulations that allow a person to have the test covered for free but the fact that it's even available is pretty exciting. I am so thankful her Doctor was aware of this and set it up for her. We don't know the results of her test yet and we pray that she doesn't test positive. But at least everyone is alert to her high risk and things are moving at a more expedient pace. I'm thankful for what I have been through to be able to be there for her. She has no one to walk with her through these uncertain times and we all have to have someone there for us, always have to have people near us, around us, by our side at all times. Support is cruical! It is what helps make for survival.

Carol Overdorf
Indianapolis, IN