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breast cancer new diagnosis

Hi, I posted a couple days ago on this forum. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer on 3/9/2010. Does anyone know of any places that send out free cancer care packages? If so please email me I have emailed a few places and got no return email. It seems that everyone wants money for all the breast cancer products like bracelets etc. but the actual person with cancer doesn't get anything. I don't get it. Where does the money go? I guess they help some patients but not all. She would really enjoy getting one. She is in shock just like me and her other 2 kids. She is 55. I am 30, my sis is turning 29 today and my brother is 21. Any help I would appreciate it.


Coats, NC

A Welcome Shoulder Injury

The years was 2003. My life was going great, had a job I liked,married the love of my life. Then in October my father passed away. This was really hard for me because my Daddy was my go to person. It took a while for me to get over it. Then a month later, while at work, I tore my rotator cuff in my right shoulder. I had it checked out and was in need of surgery. It was set up for January. Just after Christmas I found a lump in my breast. Like a dummy I ignored it. I went and had my preliminary work done for my surgery and the chest X-ray showed not only the lump but a mass just under my nipple. Surgery on the shoulder was called off and I had a biopsy done and it was stage 3 cancer! What a shock! The doctor told me that the breast had to go! I had a positive attitude about the whole thing because I thought of my Daddy who left me a few months earlier and if I could handle that, I could handle losing my breast rather than my life. Now, 6 years later I am still cancer free!
That is the best shoulder injury I ever had in my life!

Arnold, PA

Where are  my eyelashes?

Where are my eyelashes?

My name is Angele. I'm a 36 year old breast cancer survivor. I was diagnosed with stage1/grade3 cancer in fall 2008: I was 35, my daughter was 5. I chose to have a mastectomy and I haven't regretted it. For me, it was something I could control, peace of mind in a sense, a way to avoid a lifetime of tests. But it's not for everyone and the doctors were good at explaining this wasn't the only way.
I didn't hide anything from my daughter, I explained as best I could. She knew everything every step of the way including what chemo was and how it worked. I hope I taught her that cancer happens, and you deal with it as best you can. "I know cancer mummy" is what she said when I finally told her what the disease was called. She also ran 10 laps during the Relay for Life last spring and told me she could go all night next year. She's the one who reminded me who I was and that cancer wouldn't change me. Even bald, eyebrow and eyelash free, as well as flat chested, she told me I was beautiful, and I believed her. She made me get up in the morning and live. Cancer or not, she needed her mother so I had to no choice. I'm now healthy --tired, but healthy, and very grateful for that kick in the bum. And, if I'm lucky, my eyelashes will come back soon!

Ottawa, Canada

My sister with Breast Cancer

Hi I'm Evelyn Wise and my sister Brenda VanDasselaar was dignosed with stage three breast cancer in December 09. We had just lost our mom in September 2008 she had a stroke in May 2008. Brenda took care of my mom stayed at the hospital with her day and night. Then took her home with her and took complete care of her until she passed away in Sept 08 and laid her to rest on the same day as hurricane Ike hit... very emotional time. Then not too long after that she was dignosed with breast cancer. Brenda is a very caring person that would give you the shirt off her back and now she doesnt have the money for all of her treatment they are like 1200.00 for each treatment. She has tried to get help and only one company has helped very little.. She is still working at a health facility she changes patients , blood pressure, bathing etc.. her immune system is very low and she works with patients with aids, and other very bad dieases... I scared she might get very sick.. But she is doing what she can to try to pay for chemo... Please help...

Evelyn Wise
13334 Forest Knoll
Houston, TX 77049

Evelyn Wise
Houston, TX

Diagnosed at 31

I was diagnosed in January 2010. Stage 3 breast cancer. I still can't believe the words. I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter and a 2 year old son. Because I have been either pregnant or breast feeding for the past 4 years, my cancer went undetected. When my breast started to feel "normal" again, I realized my left breast just wasn't feeling right. It wasn't loosing that hard feeling you have when breast feeding. My mother died of breast cancer when my 2 year old son was 3 months old. She was diagnosed terminal when I was 8 months pregnant. I was her care taker, nursed her through the pain of dying when she wanted to live so badly. To hear the words of a cancer diagnoses less than 2 years after her death shook me to the core. To not only have breast cancer at 31, but to have an advanced stage 3. I just couldn't rap my mind around it. It took me a few weeks, but when I decided to live my life, enjoy my family, live everyday, let go of worrying about the future and enjoy the now, I got a better attitude. It is the hardest thing to do, to let go of worrying about your family, but you have to. If you don't you get yourself so overwhelmed with the unanswered questions and your fears that you loose the days you do have with the ones you love most. I am one chemo treatment in, just shaved my head. In a situation where you have lost all control, remember that you still have the power to be happy.

cottage grove, OR

Head Art

Head Art

A month after my mother passed away from breast and lung cancer, I was diagnosed with Stage IIIB invasive ductal carcinoma meaning the cancer invaded my chest wall, skin, and lymph nodes. There was no lump or any of the classical warning signs except for a tiny skin pucker on my left breast and I thought it was caused by my bra.

My family and I were devastated particularly my kids who watched my mother waste away from the cancer when she lived at my house in her last three months of her life. I told them that there was no way I was gonna lie down and let this cancer take me as well.

During my chemo and radiation, I had my kids doodle on my bald head with washable markers and they played connect the dots with the moles and freckles on my head and had me guess what it was. We got lion, frog, flower, bat, bear, sun, cloud, and palm tree. My husband thought it was so cool and took pictures of my head art.

I finished the treatments in May of 2009 and if cancer dares to mess with me again, no worries 'cause we'll stock up on washable markers and see what else we can get with connect the dots game.

Bountiful, UT

I want to see my daughter grown up.

I want to see my daughter grown up.

I am Yang Qiao'e , was diagnosed with BREAST CANCER in May 2008,
is not easy to take upon oneself , do hope by sharing my experience could encourage ones life.

yang Qiao'e
Singapore, Singapore

My Breast Cancer Journey - Nip It!

So I here I am - 38, with a diagnosis of breast cancer. My life was much different in October 2009, prior to a required check-up. I was glad to be there, do not get me wrong, as I had felt a strange tightness in my right breast when I was home sick a couple of weeks prior. I was so sick at the time that I really shrugged it off, considering a weird form of chest congestion. In the back of my mind, I think I knew something just was not right; hence, not postponing my scheduled appointment.

Then, reality hit. I had a tumor the size of a golf ball in my right breast. About 3.5-4 cm., to be exact. They biopsied the tumor and it came back malignant. A PETscan also found that at seven lymphnodes are enlarged.
We also learned that my tumor is hormone negative and HER2 positive. Based on this information, we scheduled TAC (docetaxel, doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide) chemotherapy - my last treatment is March 15. I recently learned that I will have a double masectomy.

I love the idea of the Bye Bye Booby party that I learned of on this site! Several girl friends got together with me and put purple streaks in their hair prior to chemo and then there was a "pamper Marsi" party - kind of like a baby shower. The kindness of others has been truly amazing! The road has been rough and I still have long way to go! The blessing in it all is the extra time I have had for my kids and husband - since I am no longer working - and all the wonderful people I have met along the way! I am inspired by kindness everyday.

Marsi White
San Diego, CA

My Blessings

My Blessings

I was pulling the covers back on my bed when I felt a lump in my right breast as it pushed against the inside of my arm. I went to the doctor and was sent for more tests. At the age of 37, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. To this day, I don't know how I ever felt the lump but was very thankful for the guardian angel who was with me that night.

I had been doing mammograms for 10+ years due to my family's history but nothing prepared me for this. I did a lumpectomy followed by 12 chemo treatments and 33 radiation treatments. I have recently finished 5 years of Tamoxifen. I did very well through all my treatments and was able to work every day.

A year and a half after my breast cancer diagnosis, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Again, I was the one who found the lump in my neck and I thanked my guardian angel. I had surgery to remove my thryoid followed by a radioactive iodine treatment.

After being diagnosed with cancer, I started counting the blessings in my life starting with my family as well as friends and co-workers. Everyone helped me laugh through all my treatments, aches, pains, fatigue and hair loss. I am very grateful for each and every one of them.

Connie McGee
Eudora, KS

Shock of my life

My mom was just diagnosed yesterday with breast cancer. I need some help and support on good doctors in the NC raleigh area. She has a negative attitude doesn't want to lose her hair etc. I don't know what to do if anyone can help please email me

have a good day everyone

coats, NC