My Breast Cancer Journey - Nip It!

So I here I am - 38, with a diagnosis of breast cancer. My life was much different in October 2009, prior to a required check-up. I was glad to be there, do not get me wrong, as I had felt a strange tightness in my right breast when I was home sick a couple of weeks prior. I was so sick at the time that I really shrugged it off, considering a weird form of chest congestion. In the back of my mind, I think I knew something just was not right; hence, not postponing my scheduled appointment.

Then, reality hit. I had a tumor the size of a golf ball in my right breast. About 3.5-4 cm., to be exact. They biopsied the tumor and it came back malignant. A PETscan also found that at seven lymphnodes are enlarged.
We also learned that my tumor is hormone negative and HER2 positive. Based on this information, we scheduled TAC (docetaxel, doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide) chemotherapy - my last treatment is March 15. I recently learned that I will have a double masectomy.

I love the idea of the Bye Bye Booby party that I learned of on this site! Several girl friends got together with me and put purple streaks in their hair prior to chemo and then there was a "pamper Marsi" party - kind of like a baby shower. The kindness of others has been truly amazing! The road has been rough and I still have long way to go! The blessing in it all is the extra time I have had for my kids and husband - since I am no longer working - and all the wonderful people I have met along the way! I am inspired by kindness everyday.

Marsi White
San Diego, CA