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We fought as a FAMILY from the very start!

From the moment we got the news, we all said we are going to beat this with my Mother. We were only positive no negative. The day they operated to remove the lump and lynphnodes, I was caught in a horrible rain storm. When I arrived they told me my Mom was already under some sedation and I could not see her. I fell to the ground hysterical begging please to just look at her-at the same time she was doing the same. They let me see her and all we did was touch hands-a touch has never meant more to me in my life! We didn't speak a word only a touch. I knew she was going to beat it, 9 weeks of radiation later-she was CANCER FREE!!!! 9 yrs now! Keep fighting the fight with POSITIVE! Bless all who have been affected by Breast Cancer. My Mother is my Hero and I'm blessed that She won the Battle!

Melissa Schwartz
New Orleans, LA

Worth fighting for

In June 2008 I was told a lump in my left breast was indeed breast cancer.What a wirlwind from than till treatment was finished.I had a choice to keep the breast or have it removed I didn't want the what if hanging over my head so I chose to have the breast removed.One big reason was I have three beautiful grown kids two stepsons and ten beautiful grandkids.They were all my reason for fighting. Now I'm a survivor for one year.I'm friends with a very dear friend in Tenn. who also is a breast cancer survivor.We plan on doing the race for a cure here in Maryland on Oct.3. With my family this will be my second yr doing it.

Cathy High
Baltimore, MD

Me and my Mamma

I am 52 years old and was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006. I had several surgeries and went through chemo and lost my hair. It never really bothered me. I think I just ignored what was really going on in my life. My marriage was bad then too. No support from my husband. But my mamma, she was always there. She took me to all doctor appts; all surgeries and all chemo treatments. she was my champion. a year later she was diagnosed with it. my mamma died 1 week before christmas in 09. i miss her so bad. sometimes i think i cant get thru life without her. but i know shes walking streets of gold. i struggle with this every day. why did i live and she didnt? i need all the prayers i can get. all i have now is Jesus. my husband does not understand and never will. please pray for me to have strength and faith.

Donna Prashad
Montgomery, AL

donna prashad
montgomery, AL

My life is not over, its just begining.....

Hi my name is Lori and I am going to have my last chemo treatment in 5 days. I was diagnosed with breast cancer on October 2009. I found the lump myself when taking a shower. I thought no way not me. Cancer doesn't run in my family. But guess what, It doesn't matter. What matters is that I am going to get through this. I'm going to live and nothing, nothing is going to get in the way of my survival. And maybe when my hair grows back maybe I'll be a blond!!!!!

Philadelphia, PA

I know I will survive!

When I found a lump on my right breast, I was afraid to have it checked, my husband encourage me to go to the doctor, it was Dec 2009 when I was diagnosed with Breast CA stage 2. At first I thought this is it, I was so afraid because I have two kids. It was very hard for me to accept the fact that I have cancer. How would I explain to my 6 years old daughter that I am sick, how would I tell her that mommy will loose hair because of my treatment. What if my little boy will be frightened to go near me because I am bald. But then again, I told myself I need to fight, to be strong for my family and friends who dearly love me. My husband is my rock and he helped me to fight and give me courage to live on. Love from my husband, brother, my mom, my kids, family and friends especially faith in GOD make me believed that I will survive. Now my chemotherapy and rad therapy are over. I thank GOD for making me strong and continue my wonderful life for my love ones. Trust and Faith in GOD should always be in us. I will survive!

Minie Mendoza - Estrella

Minie Mendoza - Estrella
Quezon City, Philippines

When Is It Going To Be Male Breast Cancer Awareness Month?

Please make a point to have Male Breast Cancer Awareness Month soon. People need to know this fact so it will help save lives. It is too late to save my husband but it could help save another man's life. Why should men have to feel humiliated to think they have a "woman's disease"? Also your statistics for male breast cancer has NOT changed in 3 years. Men need to do self breast exams just like a woman..That is the fastest way they will know when something is not normal and then get help.

Kriss M Bowles
Land O' Lakes, FL

Wait Six Months? I Don't Think So!

Wait Six Months? I Don't Think So!

August 2006 I went for my annual mammogram. Next day, my doctor's nurse called. a problem with my mammogram. I wasn't scared or shocked, sometimes a mammogram isn't clear. I've had to repeat before. a 2nd mammogram. it too "didn't look right". A 3rd mammogram. problem, a cyst in my left breast. Next step, ultrasound my left breast, cyst confirmed. More mammograms, more ultrasounds, cyst fluid checked. All tests and confirmation took about a month. doctor's appointment set up for a consultation. Up to this point I had told only one friend about the cyst. None of my family knew. I told them the Monday after my 50th birthday - September 2 - surprise party. My husband and I went to the appointment in mid September. The doctor told us he wasn't sure if the cyst was cancerous. We could wait, I could come back in six months or I could have it removed, my choice. My husband and I agreed, no way are we waiting, it doesn't belong in my breast, it's coming out. How soon can you set up the surgery doctor? The doctor seemed pleased that I wanted to get the cyst out, no waiting for me. Surgery on October 3, cyst removed, cyst showed precancerous cells. What if I had waited six months? I'll never know what might have happened. I do know what has happened, no cancer, no bad mammograms for the last 3 years. Waiting was not an option for me, for some people, maybe? Never take a chance with your life, even if you are told you can wait six months to be reexamined. You might not have that long to wait. I praise God that I did not wait, watch, and wonder!

Grand Bay, AL

It happens to older women, too.

I was 68 years old when I got my cancer diagnosis. The large lump in my left breast was thought to be scar tissue from several "negative" biopses in the year previously. Then my body started showing some unusual signs; red, swollen breast, skin that looks like orange peel, nipple turned inward...This all happened in a month while I was on vacation.
When the cancer diagnosis was confirmed it was determined that I had two types of cancer in my breast; Inflammatory Breast Cancer and Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Stage 3B. I began treatment with chemotherapy, then mastectomy then more chemo, then sugery on my right breast, then 33 weeks of radiation.
Now eighteen months later, they say I'm cancer-free. How do I know? Will I ever feel truly safe again? Cancer is a life-long diagnosis. It not only affects you, it affects your family and close friends. You live day to day with faith that whatever comes you can deal with it because God will be beside you all the way. I am grateful to be alive. I had support from my husband and children and my church friends and that kept me going.

Patricia bethke
muskegon, MI

Baring it all for Breast Cancer

Baring it all for Breast Cancer

It was January of 2007 and I was downtown having lunch with my Mom because I was attending my first CLE as a new lawyer. While we were at lunch my Mom recieved a phone call; her doctor confirmed that the lump was, in fact, breast cancer. Flash forward to August 2007 -- past months of surgeries, chemo treatments, shots, shaving her head, wigs, and radiation treatments. By August, my Mom was done with treatment and was feeling well enough to watch me finish my first Breast Cancer 3Day Walk. It's now 2010 and my sister and I are starting on our 4th 3Day Walk. We raise money for Susan G Komen for the Cure and breast cancer research by producing a Breast Cancer Calendar for sale. An Implied Nudity breast cancer calendar. Every year our Mom has proudly posed, semi-nude, scar and all, baring her all for breast cancer. This August, we know our Mom will be at her fourth 3Day Walk Closing Ceremony to support us, herself, other breast cancer survivors, and all those who battle this disease. This story is for our Mom. This story is for all breast cancer survivors and for all those who have been touched by breast cancer.

Saint Paul, MN

My best friend

My best friend

This story is about somebody I love dearly and have such respect for. My best friend Nancy, she found out maybe a month ago that she has a pre-cancer in her right breast. Now on March 17,2010, She is having her breast removed because of the nasty cancer. This women I look up too. She is a great mother to her two boys, and a great wife too. She makes sure that everyone is happy. I know when I have my low days she is there for me. We live 2 hours apart but we are always there for each other. This breast cancer crap I would not wish on any one. This is the type of women that on christmas she started to make xmas cookies for her friends, ad one day I receved a package and there in a nice can was cookies. what a surprize. I love this women, we were best friends since hgh school. She was the frist friend I had when I moved there. I will be at her side has long has she needs me. in the picture which is from high school, she is on the left.

karen kohn
carmel, NY