It happens to older women, too.

I was 68 years old when I got my cancer diagnosis. The large lump in my left breast was thought to be scar tissue from several "negative" biopses in the year previously. Then my body started showing some unusual signs; red, swollen breast, skin that looks like orange peel, nipple turned inward...This all happened in a month while I was on vacation.
When the cancer diagnosis was confirmed it was determined that I had two types of cancer in my breast; Inflammatory Breast Cancer and Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Stage 3B. I began treatment with chemotherapy, then mastectomy then more chemo, then sugery on my right breast, then 33 weeks of radiation.
Now eighteen months later, they say I'm cancer-free. How do I know? Will I ever feel truly safe again? Cancer is a life-long diagnosis. It not only affects you, it affects your family and close friends. You live day to day with faith that whatever comes you can deal with it because God will be beside you all the way. I am grateful to be alive. I had support from my husband and children and my church friends and that kept me going.

Patricia bethke
muskegon, MI