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Fighting cancer for over six years

Fighting cancer for over six years

I fought cancer 6 yrs.and i beat it I had ovarian cancer ,throat cancer, breast cancer,stomach cancer,now i have it in my head doctors gave up on me the last five times and now they don't even deal with me I gave it to God whom is my doctor and I am on my knees all the time I have the support of family ,church and close friends but I am not worried cause God is my strength so I hope every one will support the cause I have lost my mother and aunts some uncles and cousin we are in a fight for our life so come support the cause .God is my healer people even through all the medications God has the last say so

Diane simmons Byrd
Martinsville, VA

Pink and Green

Pink and Green

I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer Feb. of this year. I was scared and I still am. The only person that keeps me fighting is my daughter. My 28 year old daughter was waiting for a kidney transplant since 2000 and half way through my chemotherapy treatments they found her a donor. I was feeling well enough to jump in the car and make the trip from Reno to San Francisco! She and I are recovering well. I still have to go through radiation, but she is doing so well! It is a true miracle!
She is my strength and my hero! And she keeps me fighting! When I wear my pink ribbon, I always wear a green one too!!

Brenda J. Hill
Reno, NV

My Never-Ending Journey

My Never-Ending Journey

My surgeon called on November 20th (my birthday is on the 23rd) 8:30 p.m. and told 'us' that the tumor was malignant. This was when I really found out how important it is to have friends with clout -- my breast cancer surgeon got me in to see my oncologist on the 21st and we decided at that time that I would have a lumpectomy, sentinel node biopsy and have a port inserted for my chemotherapy.

I had my surgery on November 30th and the results were: 2 cm tumor, Stage 1, Grade 2, clear margins, no lymph node involvement, ER/PR+ and HER2 +3. Due to the HER2 +3 (this is the protein that assures the cancer will spread to other parts of the body), my oncologist suggested that I have a new test called Oncotype DX. This test assesses the likelihood that breast cancer will return, or recur within 10 years of the initial diagnosis. This test allows patients and doctors to have a better understanding of the specific characteristics of the individual breast tumor, and critical information for treatment planning discussions. The Oncotype DX came back showing that I am in the highest percentile for recurrence and that's why my protocall is so long.

This is what started my journey -- not to go back into corporate America. I started an online breast cancer gift company and went back to school to get 4 certifications as a Professional Life Coach. I am now getting my Certification as a Professional Cancer Coach.

I am taking it one day at a time.

Susan McHugh
Shamong, NJ

My mom and me...

My mother was diagnosed while she was pregnant with my sister and me. She was 29yrs. old. At the age of 31 she lost her battle with this awful disease! My twin and I were 2 yrs. old and left without a mother to nurture us. We were taken in by our loving aunt and her family.

At the age of 34 (4 days after my birthday) I found a lump on my chest wall that a mammogram would not have been able to find. (We had started mammos at 25 because of our high risk factor.) I was diagnosed and went through 7 mos. of chemo and 35 radiation treatments. With my twin at my side through the whole process!

This month (Aug. 2010) will be 15 yrs. since I discovered that lump. And Cancer Free! I am a survivor who can be there with an encouraging word, positive outlook, or just there to listen.

One tough struggle with a happy ending!

Anything is possible with faith! My pink ribbon bracelet with that saying should be arriving any day now!!!

Greensburg, PA



dallas, TX

Hazel Kirkland 1932-2007

My mother, Hazel Marie Foster Kirkland lost her battle to Breast Cancer Sept. 3, 2007. She is missed. My dad died of lung cancer in 1994 and she was all my sister and I had left. It only took a year for her to lose her battle. She was an inspiration to both of us until the end. She fought a tough battle and lost. She is with my savior in Heaven running around with the love of her life, my dad.

Owasso, OK

Why Mamos Matter

I was diagnosed from my yearly mammogram at age 41. Because the tumor was against my chest wall it would have never been felt with a monthly self-exam. After a lumpectomy and radiation I am now in remission for 7 years. I had never missed a yearly mammogram since age 35. If you have not had your yearly mammogram please do it now!!!!

humble, TX

2x cancer survivor!

My story begins at age 23 with a cancer diagnosis of Hodgkins Disease. 9 months of chemo and 15 days of radiation. 20 years later, November 2008 I am celebrating my 1st wedding anniversary and I felt a lump. Once we returned home I made an appointment for a mammogram in December. The mammogram results required an ultrasound, and those results required follow up by a breast surgeon. By this time we were celebrating Christmas, and I carried the huge gray cloud around with me throughout the holidays. January 11, 2010 I had a sentinel lymph node biopsy which confirmed Stage 1 DCIS diagnosis. The breast cancer is thought to be from the mantle radiation I received 20 years ago. Part of the treatment I received to save my life 20 years ago, gave me a new cancer. That was kind of hard to swallow.
On February 1, 2010 I had a bi-lateral mastectomy with breast reconstruction. Stage 1, after I processed that, I felt so relieved and blessed that I caught this breast cancer SO early!! Yes, I had to go through chemotherapy again, but I knew I had a great survival rate! My husband, family, and Jesus have given me the strength to overcome this obstacle in my life. Now with my final reconstruction scheduled for tomorrow, I am ready to get back to "normal" and continue enjoying all that life has to give me!
Get your mammograms and clinical breast exams! If it's in his plans for you to join the breast cancer sisterhood, catch it early so you'll have more treatment options and a better chance at beating this monster!

Laura Oz
St Louis, MO

Life Changing Experience

Life Changing Experience

I was diagnosed with BC at 33. Nothing will change your life like those 3 little words "You have cancer". It has, I have learned a lot through my 7 surgeries including a bilateral mastectomy, reconstruction and complete hystorectomy plus 6 months of chemo. I lost my job, where we also lived right in the middle of it all. It has been 4 years, and now looking back I realize that cancer has changed my life; oddly for the better. Sure, my fingernails are weak and I have scars, but it has made me repriortorize my life and I am so grateful for everyday and appreciate what is truly important. I am also so blessed for my support circle; husband, family & friends that I have. Much Love~Twila Cole

Twila Cole
New Port Richey, FL

You Are Not Alone: Life After A Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Women should no longer be dying of breast cancer and I am doing my best to make to make that a reality.

In 2006, at age 41, I learned I had breast cancer. I joined approximately 2.5 million women in the United States who are breast cancer survivors. The treatment choices offered for early stage breast cancer, multi focal DCIS, shocked me. Having my breasts removed as one of the treatment options surprised me the most.

I have spent many hours researching breast cancer and I am trying to spread information regarding early detection and prevention to as many ladies as possible. Early detection may save your life but not necessarily your breasts.

I had bilateral mastectomies and reconstruction in September of 2006 and I am doing great.

Andrea Schneider
San Diego, CA