My Never-Ending Journey

My surgeon called on November 20th (my birthday is on the 23rd) 8:30 p.m. and told 'us' that the tumor was malignant. This was when I really found out how important it is to have friends with clout -- my breast cancer surgeon got me in to see my oncologist on the 21st and we decided at that time that I would have a lumpectomy, sentinel node biopsy and have a port inserted for my chemotherapy.

I had my surgery on November 30th and the results were: 2 cm tumor, Stage 1, Grade 2, clear margins, no lymph node involvement, ER/PR+ and HER2 +3. Due to the HER2 +3 (this is the protein that assures the cancer will spread to other parts of the body), my oncologist suggested that I have a new test called Oncotype DX. This test assesses the likelihood that breast cancer will return, or recur within 10 years of the initial diagnosis. This test allows patients and doctors to have a better understanding of the specific characteristics of the individual breast tumor, and critical information for treatment planning discussions. The Oncotype DX came back showing that I am in the highest percentile for recurrence and that's why my protocall is so long.

This is what started my journey -- not to go back into corporate America. I started an online breast cancer gift company and went back to school to get 4 certifications as a Professional Life Coach. I am now getting my Certification as a Professional Cancer Coach.

I am taking it one day at a time.

Susan McHugh
Shamong, NJ