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2 time survior

this is my second yr in a row with breast cancer. first one in my family to get it at age 32 the first time. both times was very lucky to catch it at stage 0 but after having a lumpectomy the first time i decided to have a bil masectomy with reconstruction this time around. i wanted to make sure i would be around for my kids. it has been a hard summer with the surgery being hospitalized for week after surgery for blood clots and transfusions but then having to go back two weeks later for s septic blood infection was hard to. glad and happy to say that life is good now doin great and only one more surgery to go and im done for good. praise god for all. and i pray for all women out there for this thing to stop attacking us. god bless all women and good luck

michelle long
colorado springs, CO

Closer to HIm

Closer to HIm

I was diagnosed in January '04, no history in our family. My gynocologist and I had been watching a mass that was fibroid tissue; we did mammograms, sonars, drew fluid nothing showed up. In November of '03 I noticed the mass had gotten harder & there was a dimpled area that had came up on my breast. I decided to wait until my yearly which was coming up in January (please do not wait when you find a lump or something changes about your breast see your doctor immediately). Biopsy showed cancer! We were shocked; that's when I knew I could not fight this on my own; I turned it all over to God. I knew he would give me the strength and mindset to win this battle. He put the right doctors, friends and family members there to see me through. I'm 6 1/2 years cancer free! Praise God!

Birmingham, AL

Life is good

Life is good

Herewith a short notice and proof of a good life even in chemotherapy, after surgery and after your partner has left you.
Try to stay positive and healthy - it get´s us trough the worst :)

All the best, Susi

Austria, Europe

Susi Sfr
Vienna, Austria

Head Shaving Cerimony

I was diagnosed with late stage 3 Breast Cancer 3 years ago. I was in udder shock never thought it could happen to me , but it did. I think the hardest part of my journey was when I had to shave my head(which was after my second chemo tx) my family came over to my house and we gathered in the kitchen to do the deed, my daughter did the first cut of my beautiful ponytail and we put it in a baggy, then my mom got the honors of the actual shaving, midway thru thats when it all hit and we had to stop for what I thought was my worst meltdown ever, believe me loosing my hair was worse than everything I was about to endure.The next day I called my mom and told her I couldn't go to work with no hair and she said "yes you can and she told me she loved me and now I had to pick myself up by my big girl panties and go to work and that people are still gonna love me and treat me no different" ya know I went to work and low and behold my co-workers just loved my bandana....

Olympia, WA

My mom

My mom died when I was 3 yrs old and she was just 36 yrs old she had breast cancer for aout 2 yrs before her death. Being a mother now I only can imagine what pain she must have been in to relize that she would never see her children grow and would have to pick someone to stand inher place. She picked her sister Kathy to raise my brother who was 16 and myself 3, she and her sister kathy were in every since of the word best friends and even though I grew up without my birth mom I had the next best thing her very best friend who is not onlt my mom but also one of my best friends though the chioce must have been hard for my mom to make that choice she made a great one and I feel like I know her just as well as I would have had she been alive.

Columbia, SC

Calendar for a cure!

Calendar for a cure!

"I believe we all have special talents so that we can use them for the greater good in this world and when you put 100 percent into everything you do, you inspire others. I choose to MAKE A DIFFERENCE!."
Last year, Stefanie's godmother was diagnosed with breast cancer and went through reconstructive surgery. Since then, she got involved to fight for a cure and registered to walk 60 miles in 3 days this October 2010 for Susan G Komen. In order to walk, Stef must raise at least $2300 by October 15th, 2010. "By August, I knew I needed to spread the word about my efforts and create enough impact and incentive to inspire people to offer their support." Therefore, 12 girls (including Stefanie) and a local photographer donated their time to shoot for the 2011 Pinups for Pink calendar! Its 50's pinup style that features "everyday women" portraying true beauty through their real-life roles in society. Men will admire the inner and outer beauty and women will relate. In a months time, she put everything she had into it by spending hours on end browsing through hundreds of photos, editing, designing the layouts, and so on. "There has been many obstacles and triumphs, but overall, I created something beautiful for something I truly believe in. I took the chance in hopes that people will want to support and made the difference i was hoping to achieve."
The calendar can be viewed at All proceeds go to funding for a cure! She now has less than 2 weeks to raise the money for my walk. "I'm not there yet, but its the HOPE that keeps me going. Isn't that what its all about?"
"Kindness, compassion and service. These are three incredible sources of knowledge, happiness and prosperity."

Stefanie Mason
Mount Laurel, NJ

faith hope believe and courage

here is my story I noticed a hard lump in my right breast and i was working alot of hours at the time and I put it off for a week or two and then I went to the doctor and they did some testing and then on valentines day they did a biospy and when I woke up they told me I had breast cancer and it was in stage 3 and at that time they did not know my prognosis until other testing came back and a week later my test came back and they then decided that I would be able to have a lumpsectomy and save some of the breast if I wanted. I had chemo and radiation and went thru losing my hair and the sickness and not being able to work and all but I am happy to say I had the very best doctors and they took good care of me and I am happy to be alive and well it has been seven years and soon will be eight and i just have one thing to say to all cancer patients dont ever give up!! I know there is alot of pain involved and all but it is worth it to be alive !!! god bless all and keep the strength up and always always believe theres a will theres a way!!!!

indpls, IN

why should I click?

3 years ago I lost my daughter-in-law to breast cancer 1 day before her daughter's 8 th birthday. why click? this was one of the hardness things I went through. it's easyer to try to get people to check themself then it is to watch a child of GOD go thru. I don't walk for cancer, but I do stand up 2 cancer, I do pink hair and as much pink as I can, I share my story and hope it helps someone. I wish that people knew the sorrow of a lost to breast cancer and would love each other enough to not be another family thru this. thats why I click and tell you check yourself. If you can't afford a mamogram click. now whats your excuse. do not put another family thru this ,click, check and get yours.

St. Petersburg, FL


Hi my name is Gail and when I was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 years ago I thought my life was over. I had a mastectomy on my right breast even though wanted me to do a double mastectomy I would not. I endured chemotherapy for several months through many complications /blood transfusions/hospital stays and after 27 surgeries -the last one just being a year ago- I have survived. I am in remission now-have suffered much depression- turned to alcohol to help me try to get through the pain and as I thought suffering ahead. I have lost my marriage through this turmoil and I am learning to live life again. Starting over with the help of support groups and other survivors. I am lucky to be alive today only by the grace
of GOD. My true inspiration is to help others that have been through the kind of HELL you can go through when you find out you have this disease.
But you don't have to. treatments today are so great that even at a young age WE all have a great survivor rate! My cancer was her2new which is very fast growing and spreads fasT! My survival rate was 50% at time of surgery. Today I am at 80% !! God bless all and hang in there WE WILL FIND A CURE FOR THIS DISEASE!!!!!

Greatful Cancer Survivor

Jacksonville, FL

Being NeeNee makes me happy.

Being NeeNee makes me happy.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 41 yrs old in 2009. I had surgery (double partial mastectomy),33 radiation treatments, Lupron shots monthly & Aromasin daily. The week after I finished my last radiation treatment I headed to Cancun, Mexico with my dad, stepmom, daughter, granddaughter & my soon to be son in law for my daughter's beach wedding and a week relaxing and having fun in Cancun. What a wonderful way to unwind and give up my worries for awhile. I have had a struggle the past 1 1/2 years but life is good and I am alive, I'm a full time student and made the Dean's list. I now have another granddaughter and those two girls are the light of my life. The 3 yr old calls me daily & tells me she loves me her NeeNee (that's me) and tells me to "be careful NeeNee" in her tiny squeeky 3 yr old voice and I love it. Granddaughters make life special and they make me so very happy. They help to put the fight back into me.

Angie L
Martinsville, IN