Head Shaving Cerimony

I was diagnosed with late stage 3 Breast Cancer 3 years ago. I was in udder shock never thought it could happen to me , but it did. I think the hardest part of my journey was when I had to shave my head(which was after my second chemo tx) my family came over to my house and we gathered in the kitchen to do the deed, my daughter did the first cut of my beautiful ponytail and we put it in a baggy, then my mom got the honors of the actual shaving, midway thru thats when it all hit and we had to stop for what I thought was my worst meltdown ever, believe me loosing my hair was worse than everything I was about to endure.The next day I called my mom and told her I couldn't go to work with no hair and she said "yes you can and she told me she loved me and now I had to pick myself up by my big girl panties and go to work and that people are still gonna love me and treat me no different" ya know I went to work and low and behold my co-workers just loved my bandana....

Olympia, WA