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I know what if feels like to loose everything when this disease strikes. I survived breast cancer once 5 years ago.....I am now faced with a recurrance and facing a double masectomy this month, the month set aside for breast cancer awareness......But I thank God for LIFE, it is far more precious than worring about losing your home, or having the lights cut off while in your home.....

I am not discouraged the least bit, but I am encouraged to run this race and see the blessings God has in store for me at the end. I do not live as a pitiful victum, but as a warriror for christ, I have on my whole armour and I am determined to live so that I can help the next breast cancer patient see that this disease does not have to be unto death, as you continue to take your treatments whatever they maybe, surround yourself with positive people, with an upbeat attitude, and feed your mind, will, body and soul with positive foods and energy....

the praise report at the end of the day will be JUST ANOTHER DAY THAT THE LORD HAS KEEP ME!!!!! and for that I am grateful. Because it is he and he alone that gives LIFE.

Faithfully His

Linda Turner
Memphis, TN

It leads you to a greater life

I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I knew I had it before the doctor told because it took forever for him to come to the phone when I called for the biopsy results.
I had a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation. It was a trying and difficult experience, yet, on the other side, life has a much deeper meaning now.
The value of family and friends mean so very much. One does not pay much attention to all of life on a regular basis, we just went day by day.
Now, it is different. You notice the smallest things, remark on the beauty of life and the world. Are completely amazed at what really is important and what really counts.
All is clear now and has been for over seven years. I look forward to the future and live every day to the fullest.

Ontario, CA

"NO" isn't the answer

In Sept, 2006 I was diagnosed with DCIS, a beginning stage of breast cancer. I couldn't get proper diagnosis in the town I lived in so I searched further and went to M.D.. Anderson Cancer Hospital in Houston, TX..where the tumor was removed, however, they scheduled me for 6 weeks of radiation and told me that it possible would burn my lungs or heart because of where it was located. Luckily, I had an appt with my neurogical dr. and an article in the Methodist Hospital Magazine was lying in the window...the article told about a doctor who was using Mammosite which wasn't as invasive as radiation. I contacted Methodist, had an appt with the dr., was scheduled for a week of radiation twice daily. That has been 3 yrs. ago, However, another tumor showed up in the other breast, but not cancerous. It was removed and they put me on a cancer drug for 5 yrs. So far everything is fine. I told all this to really say, 'Never accept anything anyone including the doctor about your situation if it doesn't feel right to you...just say 'NEXT" and keep searching. Also, let God take you by the hand and you Believe that you will be healed and be fine. Thank you, Dianne Abel

Las Vegas, NV

3 in my family have cancer

My mother was diagnosed at 88 years old with lung cancer.
They saw a lump on a cat scan. That was last November.
She is doing well. She gets leg cramps when she puts her
feet up. She doesn't drink enough water.

My two sisters were also diagnosed with breast cancer in November.
They are in their early 60's. My oldest sister had an abortion and
I heard that breast cancer/abortion are related/happen a lot.
She is going through her 2nd bout of chemotherapy.

My other sister drinks sugar drinks and has diabetes.
She is in remission with her breast cancer.

Cleveland, OH

No matter how old you are...

Hi, I`m from Colombia, im 33 and 15 month ago doctors found a tumor in my right breast, i had a biopsy and the result was a tumor with uncertain behavior..that means they couldn´t determine if it was cancer or not...the real problem is that my mom died 11 years ago from breast cancer and doctors suggested a bilateral prophylactic mastectomy after a quemotherapy i didn´t accept.. Last january my breasts were removed and i was reconstructed with expansor implants and a dorsal muscle flap but a month ago the implants were removed because a rejection and a infection with a horrible bacteria called staphylococcus aureus.. today i have no implants, i have to wait for a year at least for a new reconstruction.

This experience made me tougher, i´m not worried anymore for my physical aspect and what is real important now in my life is my LIFE as it is, the kind of food i´m taking and the people who is arround me, the people who love me and i love...we have to take care of our body, our health and our own LIFE.


angela serrano
Bogota, Colombia

i m steel fighting ...........

i m steel fighting ...........

hi . my name is maddie , i was diagnose with breast cancer a year ago , what a choc , no choice, you turn around and life goes on ,and then the medical staff take you in charge just have to let you go ,terrific job thank you to them all ,,,chimo , herceptin 6 treatment to go , everything went fine, i' m in remission now and one day at the time and faith will take me far .....have a nice day

montreal, Canada

Leaping Tall Buildings in a Single Bound!

Leaping Tall Buildings in a Single Bound!

I'd like to take this time to tell you all about my hero. Is she super? Yes! Her powers are as magnificent, although less blatant than Superman's. They help her conquer the greatest obstacles and allow her to complete many missions successfully. I call her Mom, but others know her as Elizabeth Wright. 12 years ago she battled Breast Cancer and won. Being so young, who would've thought such an enemy would challenge her, but she was up to the challenge for the sake of 3 innocent children; me, my sister and my brother. What would we have done without her?
Elizabeth went undercover for a while using her powers to help others as a Nurse Practitioner. Many of her patients have caught onto her little Super Hero secret over the years, noting just how irreplaceable she is. So much good springing from one place must have caught someone's attention because Elizabeth has found herself tying on the cape again, ready to face her archenemy Breast Cancer, yet again. Not too many people have to face this evil foe twice, but that's okay. She can handle it! Her super strength gives her the courage and stamina to withstand Cancer's blows once again. Chemotherapy? Is that all you got? Elizabeth can take it. Her x-ray vision allows her to see the bright side in the smokiest of situations and this combined with her trademark shield of God make her no match for Breast Cancer! Elizabeth will beat this and continue to inspire people along the way.
She is my favorite superhero, my all-time life hero. She conquers enemies gracefully every single day and stays so positive never giving up. Life’s hurdles are no match for this super woman when she can leap tall buildings in a single bound.

Kaitlin Wright
Edwards AFB, CA


I'm a 3+ year breast cancer survivor and I owe it all to "Early Detection". I especially owe "Thanks" to my radiologist who new what she was doing and found my cancer early.

Sandi Norris
Paris, KY

My Love and Inspiration

My Love and Inspiration

This past spring my wife said she thought she may have a problem. After a trip to the Surgeon and some testing we heard that terrible word - CANCER. She had breast cancer and had spread to the liver, lymph nodes and right hip. She decided to fight and started aggressive chemo therapy. After six sessions she was declared "cancer free." My wife is my greatest inspiration, more now than ever. In our 36 years of marriage we were not blessed with any children, therefore it has only been the two of us. Every single day is precious. We both thank God and all our friends & family for their support. Love to you from both of us.

Russ Brown
Bowling Green, KY

The STAR in our great big Family

The STAR in our great big Family

My Aunt, this funny ball of laughter had her cancer for 15 years. Through the tough days of chemo she never lost her smile and continued to be there for all who needed her. What strength she showed to the many troubled kids in our family and some from the outside too as she so passionately helped them through their rough times while going through her own. She never knew her life would be shortened but she got to leave knowing she was able to make a difference in those kids' lives. She was an incredible person and a star that shined bright in our big family.

In memory of Aunt (Toy) Lana who now
makes ANGEL food cakes for the Saints :o)

debra parnell
springfield, IL