I know what if feels like to loose everything when this disease strikes. I survived breast cancer once 5 years ago.....I am now faced with a recurrance and facing a double masectomy this month, the month set aside for breast cancer awareness......But I thank God for LIFE, it is far more precious than worring about losing your home, or having the lights cut off while in your home.....

I am not discouraged the least bit, but I am encouraged to run this race and see the blessings God has in store for me at the end. I do not live as a pitiful victum, but as a warriror for christ, I have on my whole armour and I am determined to live so that I can help the next breast cancer patient see that this disease does not have to be unto death, as you continue to take your treatments whatever they maybe, surround yourself with positive people, with an upbeat attitude, and feed your mind, will, body and soul with positive foods and energy....

the praise report at the end of the day will be JUST ANOTHER DAY THAT THE LORD HAS KEEP ME!!!!! and for that I am grateful. Because it is he and he alone that gives LIFE.

Faithfully His

Linda Turner
Memphis, TN