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Breast cancer

Hi all
I'm 41 years old. I was holidaying in Majorca in June. I had found a large lump in my breast about 4 wks before my hols. I didn't worry to much about because I hadn't noticed it before and my breast was sore and you could hold the lump and move it. After googling it says if the lump isn't fixated and you have pain it doesn't sound like BC but always get it checked. During my holiday my breast was really painful so I thought I would get it checked when I got home. That's when the world wind started. I was referred to my local breast clinic and all in all it took 4 weeks and several tests and biopsies and appointments and I started my chemo. I have stage 3 triple neg breast cancer. I should finish my chemo in January then I'm due an operation the radio therapy.
I was very shocked and I suppose I still am. It made me take my health a little more seriously and not put things off. And would advise anyone to let the professionals decide if it's anything to worry about not you.
I thought it was a simple cyst that may need draining how wrong I was.
This time next year it will be a distant memory and I'm looking forward to that prospect

Nicola lilly
Merseyside, United Kingdom

My life is a continuous battle

Myself and my husband both chose second careers and went back to college. I was 38 and my husband was 43 and a disabled Iraqi war veteran. With 3 kids, we both moved 950 miles to attend nursing school in Oklahoma. We struggled for 5 years. I graduated first with my BSN and moved back to our hometown of Tucson, AZ to get a job and start our life while he stayed and finished up his last year. He finally graduated with his BSN in May 2013 and moved back with us. Just when we were both finally working and starting to get back on our feet and with dreams of no longer having to struggle and sacrifice, I get the devastating news that I have breast cancer. I am now recovering from a bilateral mastectomy with partial reconstruction for IDC stage 2. While it doesn't look like I will need radiation the possibility of chemo still hangs over my head. I'm awaiting the testing of my oncogene type. Here We are again, struggling. Having very little PTO from work and being denied short term disability, my husband is working as much as possible and my family takes care of me. While I'm so thankful to be alive and to have a positive prognosis, I still find myself in the dumps wondering "when are we gonna catch a break?" Reading the stories on here give me inspiration and I try to keep a positive attitude. All I can do is live for now and hope for the future!

Michelle Williams
Tucson, AZ


I'm right here, standing beside you--holding you up as the tiredness of your last chemotherapy treatment is taking over. Now is the time to lie down and rest, and My Angels will be watching over you. Rest is healing. I am right beside you.
I'm right here, behind you--giving you gentle pushes forward since you are not feeling as strong in yourself today.
I'm right here, in front of you--leading the way over this rough cancer road for you, helping to make it a little more bearable.
I'm right here, inside you--as difficult as your journey is for you, you can still reach out and help others. I will help you to accomplish more than you thought possible.
I'm right here. I am your boss. I am your father. I love you like no other can.
And in the fall of 2010, while I was in treatment for breast cancer, He was right there in answer to my prayer--I wanted to help other women as they, too, traveled their own unique cancer journeys.
He is here when I ask Him to help me author special letters and testimonials.
He is right here, answering prayers that I have not even thought to say yet.
He is right here, meeting every need I have in order to administer The Sparkle Caps Project, as we uplift, empower, love and pray for other women through sponsored Sparkle Caps gift bags.
He is right here, helping me to tell other women that, in spite of our hair loss, we are HOT CHICKS.
WHERE ARE YOU? I am in you! And I am in you! And I am in you! I know your pain. I know your fears. Trust in Me and trust the plan that I have for you!

Susan "Victorious" Heimbigner
Sumter, SC

My twin sis

My twin sis

My twin sis TAMI
I miss you
A courageous fight you fought
I love you dearly
Kisses from your twin sis

Tomi Sue Mullamey Dillon
Marysville, OH

My Survivor Story

My Survivor Story

On June 19, 2005, I found a lump in my left breast. Having had Fibrocystc Breast Disease, I stopped all caffeine intake. Within 2 weeks, the lump doubled in size, instead of going away. I immediately sought medical attention. I had a Mammogram, which confirmed that it was Cancer. On July 20, 2005, I had a Left Radical Mastectomy. The lump I had found was the size of an apricot; and there were 5 more smaller ones. The smallest rested at the base of my Lymph Nodes; which were removed, during surgery. Thank God, my Stage 3 Cancer hadn't passed through the Nodes! I followed-up with Chemotherapy; and a little over 8 years later, I'm Cancer-free! Praise God!

Laura Criss
Amarillo, TX

Breast Cancer turns my life around.

Breast Cancer turns my life around.

June 2010 I was diagnosed with stage 3 TNBC aged 46. A mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and lymphoedema followed rapidly afterwards! Good news arrived with a successful DIEP flap reconstruction in January 2012 and finally yesterday I booked in for a nipple and eye-brow tattoo ( my eye-brows only partially returned after the chemo) - hurray!

The debilitating treatment meant I was unable to rely on my normal forms of stress release ( running, cycling & a glass of wine or two!). So I began to read, asking myself why I thought I might have cancer? I was introduced to the law of attraction, through a book called 'The Secret' by Rhonda Bryne. I became fascinated by the power of our thoughts and how often we inadvertently attract things into our lives without being aware of it. Our everyday life is guided by our core beliefs, which often we do not question, until something like cancer comes along.

I made some very dramatic decisions in my personal life shortly after my treatment ended, holding the belief that I could turn my life around, I could succeed in life in areas I had previously given up on. The book 'The Biology of Belief' by Bruce Lipton, gave me great courage too.

June 2011 Macmillan Cancer Support highlighted the benefits of physical activity on reducing treatment side effects and reducing the chances of recurrence. As a personal fitness trainer I was amazed by their findings, but also aware that those who would benefit most from exercise are often to exhausted to even contemplate it. For this reason I founded an organisation launched earlier this year which unites the benefits of physical activity with guided visualisation/imagery, to improve responses to conventional treatment, offering hope and belief to people on their journey

Tessa Guy
Marlow, United Kingdom

Triple Negative Breast Cancer Survivor

My story started September 2012. I started having pain in my left breast. I thought it was just stress because we were in and out of Children's Hospital with our son. Also in September a co-worker shared with me that her mom was diagnosed with BC. She was healthy and fit. She was having pain in her breast. Her pain ended up being Triple Negative Breast Cancer. After hearing this story, I still thought it was stress. By October, Children's Hospital was testing my son to see if he could have a heart transplant (which we found out that he is not a candidate). I continued to have pain, but again, still thought it was stress related....until I felt a lump the end of November. I had a biopsy on 12/3/12 and received the dreaded call on 12/4/12 - Stage 2 Triple Negative. On 12/19/12 my husband had to take my son to Children's Hospital because of his health. My lumpectomy was the next day. So my husband was with my son in Milwaukee, while our girls were with me in Green Bay. TERRIBLE timing....not that there is ever good timing for cancer. I had 6 rounds of chemo and 33 rounds of radiation. I will be a One Year Survivor next month!

Pulaski, WI

My Brave Mum

my mum Fay is 66 years old, a month ago was diagnosed with Breast cancer, 2 weeks ago had to go down to get the lump removed, after waiting for many hours in the hospital, my sister and I found out that mum had complications on the table and had to now wait to go back in to surgery, while we were there we found out exactly 12 years to the day my sister had her lump removed from breast cancer, mum will eventually have radium, where my sister had both, the family was there with my sister to help her fight it and beat it and I know my mum will do the same, I am very proud of you both and love you heaps, Angela

Angela Carroll
Kooralbyn, Australia

Newly Diagnosed - Double Cancer

Newly Diagnosed - Double Cancer

I was diagnosed three months ago with stage 1 breast cancer. I was very lucky to only have to go through radiation, but my body has not been taking it well. Two months later I was diagnosed with stage T1 bladder cancer. As a single mom of two children - one of which has Epilepsy and Cerebral Palsy - I had no idea how I was going to overcome this.

The support I have received from my boyfriend and his family has been absolutely remarkable and helps keep my spirits up. That, in addition to the stories on FB and pictures, I feel like every day things get a little better.

I placed an order for a couple rings, a shirt for my boyfriend, and slippers. I must say, getting those in the mail today completely made my day! It's the little things that keep some of us going, and that put my spirits way up today. Thank you for everything you guys do!

I've attached three pictures for you guys. The one in my t-shirt was taken only a few hours after having surgery. Needless to say I look like a wreck - but the shirt itself made me very happy.

Danielle Suggs
Warrenton, VA

I'm a survivor for 3 years now

My name is Edna Canare.I diagnosed with breast cancer late of year 2011.I had my treatment from chemo to surgery and the last is radiation.When I found out that I have breast cancer I thought it's the end of the world.I'm alone here in Canada,no relatives.My partner always push me to keep going,like hiking,biking and skiing and snow shoeing.He gave me motivation.and I kept saying to myself "I can beat it,I can beat it". Now if you see me,you wont say I've been sick before.I look healthy and active.Being positive in life and determination you will beat everything.And originally I'm from the philippines.Thats my story

Ottawa, Canada