My Survivor Story

On June 19, 2005, I found a lump in my left breast. Having had Fibrocystc Breast Disease, I stopped all caffeine intake. Within 2 weeks, the lump doubled in size, instead of going away. I immediately sought medical attention. I had a Mammogram, which confirmed that it was Cancer. On July 20, 2005, I had a Left Radical Mastectomy. The lump I had found was the size of an apricot; and there were 5 more smaller ones. The smallest rested at the base of my Lymph Nodes; which were removed, during surgery. Thank God, my Stage 3 Cancer hadn't passed through the Nodes! I followed-up with Chemotherapy; and a little over 8 years later, I'm Cancer-free! Praise God!

Laura Criss
Amarillo, TX