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A mother's fight

A mother's fight

All her life she had to fight, she had to fight to put food on the table for her 3 boys that she raised alone. She had to fight to get them up 5 am in the morning to get them ready for school and get herself to work. She did this for 30 years and never complained about the fight. Then last year she found out that she would be in a fight for her life.

At the ripe age of 62 this strong, hard working, retired worker found out that her battle had just begun. She found out that she had Triple Negative Breast Cancer(TNBC); a rare for of Breast cancer that has little to no hormone receptors attached to the cell, and that it would be a battle.

She's a fighter her doctors say; going through 66 treatments of radiation, 3 different rounds of chemotherapy, 3 blood transfusion and she still has the energy to make sure her son's are okay. She refuses to let the devil have a day in our house and refuses to lose this fight. She might not be called a survivor yet but she's definitely a FIGHTER in this battle. Story to continue as a Survivor to come...

justin carter

A World Away

This friend of mine was the first person I knew whose cancer was more severe than benign skin cancer. When she sent me a message from her home in Taiwan telling me about this, I cried so hard. The thing I hate worse than my friends going through pain is when I can't be there with them.
But even though I knew very little about cancer, I knew that scores of doctors and scientists have been working for years to help people like my friend. God gave them wisdom, so I prayed daily that He would give wisdom to my friend's doctors.
So far, her treatment is progressing normally, but one of the things that I am so overjoyed about is that she is not alone. Going to the hospital for treatment, she met a woman who was 6 years in remission. My friend didn't just read about this woman, but she got to see evidence in front of her face that some people get back to a normal life, so maybe she can, too.
My friend plans on visiting America again when her health gets better, so I am eagerly awaiting when I get to hug such a brave warrior!

Memphis, TN

loving life

loving life

Diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer in Oct 2012 double mastectomy in February 2013, spread to lung in June 2013 and liver in November 2013. We have just entered 2014 and I am still fighting strong and I won't let anything get in the way of loving life and a hot tub lol :)

Robbin Buchheit


My name is Charmaine Kidd--61 year old female---I am a FOUR TIMES cancer survivor--the first time was breast cancer in 1993--second time was in 2008 then I had my spleen and left kidney removed--third in 2011 part of my right kidney and in May of 2013 I had to have the rest of my right kidney removed and my bladder---I am dealing with diabetes but not on any medicine for it since I started losing weight--also I go to dialysis three times a week for three and a half hours--- been on it for two years ---been taking some classes at a community college for the last two semesters---and how did I do it---I didn't--- it was thru the GRACE AND MERCY OF ALMIGHTY GOD. So if you are going through a battle with cancer and ask your self "LORD WHY ME?" like I did in 1993---God gave me the answer ==to testify to his GOODNESS and to ENCOURAGE someone else who may need to hear my story. There is a wonderful song by DEON KIPPING called "I DON'T LOOK LIKE WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH" if you saw me now you would never know what I have been through---- and that is why I constantly tell my story. But I don't get this twisted --it is really not about me---it is all about the GRACE AND MERCY OF GOD.


Figure Training Saved My Life

Figure Training Saved My Life

I was training for a Figure Competition scheduled for June 2013 and planning my August wedding. And what better way to help me fit in my wedding dress then to train for a competition. It would be my Figure Pro debut. My training was intensive and my diet was very strict. I had been only competing for 1 years before earning a Pro Status in the industry. In February 2013, I dislocated my left shoulder while working out. Being the Occupational Therapist that I am, I popped it back in only to realize boy, that really hurt. So with the abrupt holt to my workout routine, I'm off to get an MRI of my shoulder. And in the same week I notice a lump in my right breast. I reached out to my OBGYN, had an ultrasound and was scheduled for a biopsy on Marathon Monday. We are all to familiar on how that day turned out. On the evening of April 16th my husband to be had just arrived home with our twin boys when I received the phone call from my OBGYN. I remember saying that was quick, because the doctors had told me it would take about 5 business days for the results. But, it was in that moment my OBGYN said, "It's not good, it's cancer". I went numb and screamed out a loud cry. I was the healthiest person I knew. Just 6 months prior I won 1st place and the overall in Figure at a National Physique Committee competition. So, on April 23, 2013 I had my lumpectomy at the age of 37. Now embarking on my road to recovery, I believe that my Figure competition training saved my life. With the love and support of my family, friends, co-workers and gym buds I survived 16 doses of chemo, got married wearing a fabulous Raquel Welch wig, worked out to maintain my sanity, played ice hockey, carted my twin boys off to soccer and ended the year with 33 radiation treatments. #Leavingitallbehindin2013. So get to it and have a good time in the meantime.

Kendall V. Smiley
Weymouth, MA

This is me

This is me

My name is Kymberly, I am 48 year old . At the age of 47 years old I was went to the doctor for my annual check up and on July 25 2012 I was diagnoised with stage one breast cancer. On August 16 2012 I had had a double mastectomy. During my surgery they discovered that the tumor had grown, I was now at stage three. I went through eight rounds of strong chemo. I had and have a great support system. I decided not to have re-construction. It is one year later and all I can say is that I am strong, happy and living my life to the fullest. I learned that I am a fighter and that I only want positive things and awesome people in my life. Through this journey I have met some wonderful people and want to sat thank you to all that have been with me.

Kymberly Reynolds
Chicago, IL

Always had mammograms

Having mammograms every year and not having a family history of breast cancer had me convinced I was safe. When I was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer in August of 2012 I was floored. After a lumpectomy chemo and radiation I am now on the road to recovery. I've never heard a woman say they enjoyed having a mammo, but I've told many friends it's better to have one mammo a year than it is going through a year of Hell. I can't stress enough how important it is. It probably saved my life. An ounce of protection is worth a pound of cure.

Sallie Strayer
Blue Bell, PA

Responding to a Craigslist ad for a research study on post-menopausal women, saved my life!

Responding to a Craigslist ad for a research study on post-menopausal women, saved my life!

Responding to a Craigslist ad for a research study on post-menopausal women, saved my life. I was due for a 6 month follow-up mammogram in June 2013 on my left breast, and decided to use the mammogram in the research study as my check-up. I knew I’d get a call-back for a second screening, typical, and did get “the call”. However, this time was different, it was my right breast. The red flag was raised. Two weeks later I had the second mammogram and sonogram. The radiologist suspected breast cancer and ordered a needle biopsy. My world fell apart. I was a healthy, active 57 year old woman, married, 3 sons, loved to surf, swim, and stay active. I felt great with no signs of illness. Two days later, I had the biopsy at my medical facility. The radiologist was 99% certain of breast cancer. My family was wonderful and holding out for the 1%, but I felt otherwise. A few days later, and many many tears, my doctor called and told me I had breast cancer. What, me, really? The next 6 months were a blur of activity. I had a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction, 4 rounds of chemotherapy, and ovaries and tubes removed due to family history. My diagnosis was Triple Negative Breast Cancer, stage 1, grade 3, no lymph involvement or metastases. Good news for a bad cancer. I’m on the other side now, getting my life back, and waiting for my hair to grow back. Mentally and physically, I am doing good, but still have my moments. I am eternally grateful for my excellent medical team and family, and especially grateful for the women’s study on Craigslist that saved my life. Wow - quite the journey, and all in 5 months!

San Diego, CA

A Gift of Love for Christmas.

A Gift of Love for Christmas.

It was a lonely Christmas Eve in 1976. Nothing going on in my house. I went to a party with friends. I met Gary. He was my only gift for Christmas that year and for many others. He was with me when I drove against My OB's advice at age 19 & pregnant to locate my Bio mother. I got to her in time before Breast Cancer claimed her life at age 46. She never told me if I had ad a dad or any family. She couldn't join my growing family! I never saw her again. In '09 Gary lost his job! In 2010 I got Triple Negative Breast Cancer! It left me feeling like I was tortured and left to Die! He saw my own mother's Dying look on my face! He begged me to live! As a woman of my word. I'm still here. We're living on Love, a Prayer and zero income! Nothing is easy, improving or getting better. But as depressed and hard as our life is. We lean on and have each other. I swear we feel each other's pain! I have plenty! We are blessed with married daughters, grandchildren, we adore and a house full of loving Cats. We've had so much for worse, for better, in sickness. We hold onto Hope that we'll finally get a honeymoon, vacation or even a weekend away once in our lives. We're still making memories together. I truly believe in the power of Love. The power of our commitment. And how in our lives we were given each other. There is no more precious gift that love and our togetherness. Yes going without and living this poor isn't easy. But neither is Triple Negative Breast Cancer/Chemo/Radiation and endless side effects.. We still get up each day, try to move and find a reason to smile. Even if its with tears in our eyes. We both really do feel each others pain. I swear our hearts can beat as one. Love is healing.

AngelLinda Landowski
Custer, WI

In loving memory...

In loving memory...

Now I come home and it's not the same ... DAD ♡ MOM ♡ LADY
In life I love you dearly
In death I love you still
In my heart you hold a place
no one could ever fill

Chrysothemis Kouma
Nicosia, Cyprus