Responding to a Craigslist ad for a research study on post-menopausal women, saved my life!

Responding to a Craigslist ad for a research study on post-menopausal women, saved my life. I was due for a 6 month follow-up mammogram in June 2013 on my left breast, and decided to use the mammogram in the research study as my check-up. I knew I’d get a call-back for a second screening, typical, and did get “the call”. However, this time was different, it was my right breast. The red flag was raised. Two weeks later I had the second mammogram and sonogram. The radiologist suspected breast cancer and ordered a needle biopsy. My world fell apart. I was a healthy, active 57 year old woman, married, 3 sons, loved to surf, swim, and stay active. I felt great with no signs of illness. Two days later, I had the biopsy at my medical facility. The radiologist was 99% certain of breast cancer. My family was wonderful and holding out for the 1%, but I felt otherwise. A few days later, and many many tears, my doctor called and told me I had breast cancer. What, me, really? The next 6 months were a blur of activity. I had a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction, 4 rounds of chemotherapy, and ovaries and tubes removed due to family history. My diagnosis was Triple Negative Breast Cancer, stage 1, grade 3, no lymph involvement or metastases. Good news for a bad cancer. I’m on the other side now, getting my life back, and waiting for my hair to grow back. Mentally and physically, I am doing good, but still have my moments. I am eternally grateful for my excellent medical team and family, and especially grateful for the women’s study on Craigslist that saved my life. Wow - quite the journey, and all in 5 months!

San Diego, CA