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Kickin It For Kim

September 1, 2013 I found a lump in my right breast and It was also swollen and painfull under my arm. Within the next week I had a mammogram, ultrasound and 3 biopsies. The results showed Stage III Breast Cancer (triple negative). The following week I had my port placed and was disgnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. On 1/10/14 I completed my 8th round of chemotherapy. I also had genetic testing done and am positive for BRCA2 gene. On 2/11/14 I am having a bilateral mastectomy and a total hysterectomy. I have fantastic support from my family, friends and coworkers. I WILL beat this and SURVIVE!!!

Kimberly Lantgen
Watertown, SD

Too Young for Breast Cancer

On the 16th of January 2014 I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 28. The doctors were almost certain it was a fibroid, and even gave me the option of simply monitoring it's growth. I decided to go ahead with a biopsy and the next day was called into the doctor's office and told that I have breast cancer. A week later I went to the Cancer Treatment Center of America in Tulsa. So far they believe based on the pet scan that it is stage IA. I'm what you call a triple positive. I'm estrogen, progesterone, and HER2+.Due to my young age they want to put me on tamoxifen for five years. I have to decide by Monday on either a mastectomy or a lumpectomy. Surgery will determine if I need chemo. Since I'm HER2+ I'll need Herceptin infusions ever three weeks for a year.I've started a Facebook page to support women under 30 who are diagnosed with breast cancer. It's very hard for a woman my age to find statistics that would help us make more informed decisions.

Murfreesboro, TN

my life with metastatic breast cancer

In the begining starting in April 2013 I had went to the emergency room to have my left breast checked because it was getting hot to the touch and kinda hard the er drs told me they treated me for infection in my breast and gave me some antibiotics and sent me home a few months later that didnt clear up I was scared beyond belief I waited till August and had went back to the er and they gave me more antibiotics threw a iv after being there in the hospital for a week I was told I may have breast cancer and they wanted to biopsy it to confirm it and sure enough it was in fact breast cancer.I seen a oncology Dr Dr.Brennen he told me I was stage4 metastatic breast Cancer so I started chemotherapy asap I've done 6 chemotherapy sessions its late January 2014 mY husband and 5 children has been my motivation along the way I'm scheduled for my surgery on February 6th 2014 for a lympecomy them one more chemotherapy on the 11th (my husband birthday) then I'll start my radiation soon after . I pray everyday and every night i beat cancer god bless

lana McDonnell
dry ridge, KY

My breast cancer story .

I was diognoised with breast cancer in June 2012 .I was 61years of age it was my worst fear I felt a tiny lump told my GP who then sent me straight to hospital .I then had a mamagram and also a deep mamagram. I was then sent for ultrasound to my left breast and also my lympnodes. I then met with my consulltant who have me the diognoises the lump I had found was ok but having deep tests they found a mass.I then had an appointment for a operation which took place in July 2012 I remember the day very well I had a biopsy that morning and felt sick to the stomach of what I was about to face.October I then went back to see my consulltant again who said I would have to have RadioTherapy for 3weeks everyday week ends off.I had to go to another hospital to receive this treatment .Met with my oncologist started my treatment then had a bad reaction but carried on .I was glad when it was over because I was so tired but when I look back this was what shrunk my tumour .I receive Tomoxifan I will take this for another 3 years I was diognoised with stage 2 Cancer .Compared to some people I class myself as lucky that I did not need chemo .I have not received the all clear as yet .People tend to forget that this c word affects partners and family too. I was very lucky I had a brilliant consulltant and received real good care from all of them at the hospital .My partner took care of me through my cancer journey so did my family every step of the way .Chris Grew from the uk .

Chris Grew
Walsall, United Kingdom

Never Surrender

Being a military spouse, you become used to trips, trainings and TDYs. So when my husband, Brian, needed to go to a conference last March, it was business as usual: rush to the airport, hugs and kisses by the car, "fly safe," and "call me when you land." We didn't talk much that night; I had a cranky three year old and Brian had early meetings.
When I finally went to bed, I rolled over and felt a twinge in my right breast. I palpated a lump, the size of two orange slices, radiating from my nipple to my armpit. I palpated the left side for comparison, and then the right side again. And again.
I was referred for a mammogram the morning Brian was due to fly in. He would meet me at the hospital, and we'd grab lunch together. I mean, I was 34 years old ... what did I have to worry about? The mammogram showed abnormal patterns of cells and calcification. They wanted to to a biopsy. That morning. It was all so surreal: my mom and sister crying with me on the phone, my brother's and Brian's stunned silence.
Brian arrived after my biopsy and I wanted him to see the scans. After seeing it in black and white, the radiologist said "I am 90% certain this is cancer. If I were a betting woman, I'd put money on it in Vegas."
Final pathology results after my bilateral mastectomy in April showed invasive ductal carcinoma with coexisting DCIS. The tumor was 12 cm, high nuclear grade, ER and PR positive, and positive for metastatic carcinoma to 23 of 31 lymphnodes removed. With the help of my family and friends I made it through 16 rounds of chemo and 28 days of radiation. I am scheduled for TRAM flap reconstruction on Feb 18. Once recovered, Brian and I will start training for our first marathon. Together, as a family.
We did it. I survived. I never surrendered.

Jana M.
Sparta, WI

Super Heroes

Super Heroes

I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on June 11, 2013. From the moment I was diagnosed, my friends and family rallied together to create a team of super heroes.

Two surgeries, 4 rounds of chemo and now 7 weeks of radiation, which will be complete in March, 2014.

I have never felt alone in my fight due to a fantastic group of friends and family. These amazing woman pulled together and have made my journey one of unconditional love, courage and strength. This is not just a story of overcoming cancer but how the power of love and friendship can conquer all things. I have been blessed with my own super heroes. When I have not been strong enough to fight they jump in and fight for me.

I love you all and will be eternally grateful for your friendship and love. With friends like this, I can't lose!!!

Theresa Williams
Clearwater Beach, FL

Twice survivor of Cancer

I had cancer (Glyoma) when I was two years old in the eye. I lost my right eye. It was a quarter inch from the brain on the Optic nerve..

I then had breast cancer 6 years ago and had the breast removed.

I am 77 and I believe I might be the oldest living cancer survivor.

On a good note I am cancer free now.

Kathleen Steen
The Woodlands, TX

I am blessed

I am blessed

I had my mamogram in June 2013, everything was ok. I can a accident in my backyard ( a ladder fell and hit me across my breast). When I went for my annual gyn 8/1/2013, my doctor insisted that I go back for another mamogram. When I went back they found something. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in October. I now have 6 more days of radiation to complete. So far I am doing well. God has been with me all the way.

Wanda Lanier
Philadelphia, PA




Extremely happy to be alive, and have the full support of my family, friends, and loved ones!

Dallas, TX

Our Darling Carol

Our Darling Carol

Thirty-six years ago this last October, I attended a football game at my old high school in Missouri. It was there, that Cupid's arrow pierced my heart, when I laid eyes on, in my opinion, the most beautiful young lady in the world, performing with the Jasper Band. I found out it was Carol Young, great athlete, beautiful cheerleader, and 3.8 student. As a matter of fact, our first date was to the Sweetheart Dance on Valentine's Day. One year later we wed, and started our life together.

Carol gave birth too four great children, two boys, Matt & Jordan, and two girls, Megan & Chelsey. In 1995 we moved to Tulsa; where Carol, ever the athlete, played softball twice a week, during summer of 1996. During the fall, Carol didn't feel quite right, but continued on with business as usual; she was a seamstress and a very good one, for an interior decorater. In December, Carol went to the doctor, and the testing began. She was diagnosed with four different types of breast cancer, two of which were very aggressive; and the surgeries, radiation and chemo began.

Ladies be vigilant with your monthly self-exams, get your yearly mammograms. If you have a feeling something isn't quite right, go see your doctor; early detection is the key in this war.

For survivors, keep fighting and persevering against this enemy. I've never had chemo, but I could see the pain and anguish my Darling Carol had to endure. I have a small sense, of the terrible price, each of you survivors are paying in your battle. On Carol's headstone, I put "Do Not Surrender", this would be Carol's message to her family, and too all survivors; Do Not Surrender, do not give up the fight, keep persevering and pressing forward.

Nine years ago this February 28th, as I looked upon my Darling Carol, her last day on this earth; her bald head, her shallow breathing, she still was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes on, and I thank God every day for bringing her into my life.

Robert Gastel
Sand Springs, OK