Our Darling Carol

Thirty-six years ago this last October, I attended a football game at my old high school in Missouri. It was there, that Cupid's arrow pierced my heart, when I laid eyes on, in my opinion, the most beautiful young lady in the world, performing with the Jasper Band. I found out it was Carol Young, great athlete, beautiful cheerleader, and 3.8 student. As a matter of fact, our first date was to the Sweetheart Dance on Valentine's Day. One year later we wed, and started our life together.

Carol gave birth too four great children, two boys, Matt & Jordan, and two girls, Megan & Chelsey. In 1995 we moved to Tulsa; where Carol, ever the athlete, played softball twice a week, during summer of 1996. During the fall, Carol didn't feel quite right, but continued on with business as usual; she was a seamstress and a very good one, for an interior decorater. In December, Carol went to the doctor, and the testing began. She was diagnosed with four different types of breast cancer, two of which were very aggressive; and the surgeries, radiation and chemo began.

Ladies be vigilant with your monthly self-exams, get your yearly mammograms. If you have a feeling something isn't quite right, go see your doctor; early detection is the key in this war.

For survivors, keep fighting and persevering against this enemy. I've never had chemo, but I could see the pain and anguish my Darling Carol had to endure. I have a small sense, of the terrible price, each of you survivors are paying in your battle. On Carol's headstone, I put "Do Not Surrender", this would be Carol's message to her family, and too all survivors; Do Not Surrender, do not give up the fight, keep persevering and pressing forward.

Nine years ago this February 28th, as I looked upon my Darling Carol, her last day on this earth; her bald head, her shallow breathing, she still was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes on, and I thank God every day for bringing her into my life.

Robert Gastel
Sand Springs, OK