Stories of Hope

Share your inspiring, hopeful story of how autism touched you.

My Beautiful Son

My Beautiful Son

When you were born I looked at your silver blond hair, and those eyes, deep blue, overwhelmed with love for you, and I still am. Your helplessness and vulnerability stirred all my instincts, and I knew if I had to, I would lay down my life for you.

Well that is what every mother thinks. The mother child bond is so intense, it binds you for life, and it’s a love that never dies, enduring good times and bad times. We were to go through plenty of them, but we made it to the end, my beautiful son.

When I realised that you were different, that you preferred your world to mine, I wept, but that did no good. I tried to make you want to enter my world, as a family we gave you love, we played with you, we taught you to walk, we made you lift your head up, and enter our world.

I nursed you when you were ill, like any mother does , and one day you smiled at me, and that was the happiest day of my life. Maybe you had finally decided that my world wasn’t that bad.

Your health was poor, you had many difficulties to overcome, the doctors just shook their head sadly, but I fought back the tears, and decided, that for however long I had you, I would do my very best for you. .

Well 41 years later, I still have you. Your health is better, you are happy, and you enjoy life. You are content to enter my world some of the time, and I accept you need to be in your own world sometimes, and I respect that. I wept many tears of anguish that you could never get married, have children, and be independent.

But your smile got me through. You have had so much to put up with, but you have defied the doctors, and come out the other side of it all. I am so proud of you, if you are happy with life, then so am I, my beautiful son!

Herne Bay, United Kingdom



My daughter, Ylime Zobeida Lopez, (she's not a big fan of her name, so prefers to be called "Beba"), was officially diagnosed having AUTISM when she was only 2 years old. It was devastating news, especially not knowing much about it, but at least now I knew what I was dealing with.

At age 5 she told me, "Mommy, I have Autism, Autism doesn't have me". I knew I was looking at a WINNER. She has overcome many obstacles, and still has many more coming at her as she gets older. Uncontrollable tantrums, repetitive movements, constant repetition of full length movies, (playing all the parts & sound effects), problems with socializing, and lots of confusion, just to name a few.

On Bebas 13th birthday, I received yet another blow. She was diagnosed with LUPUS. Due to her autism, she doesn't process many things in the same way that you or I would. Pain is one of those. So I have trained myself to observe her every move, behavior, actions and reactions. Most of the time, I will know that she is not feeling well, having pain, migraines, or a lupus flare up, even before she does. By the time her brain processes that she is in pain, she's already an 8 on the pain scale. Steroid Infusion treatments and Chemotherapy have been taking place since then. She doesn't mind, She loves the fact that all the nurses continually fight over who will be taking care of her.

She has always seen herself as a Princess. So, after having participated in her cousin, Mariah's Quinceañera, (Sweet 15 in latin cultures), she decided "I WANT MY QUINCEAÑERA". With the help of my family, church members and friends, on July 28, 2012, My daughters dream came true. PRINCESS BEBA came to life.

This was such an impacting experience for everyone involved in "BEBAS WORLD". She has become more social and interactive with others. She is a High School Sophomore and an A & B student. She plans on being a certified baby sitter, a veteranarian, AND a voice over actress for animated movies.

Chicago, IL

The gift of Autism

The gift of Autism

I am a military spouse and mom of 3 special needs kids.I am also an aunt of two nephews on the autism spectrum.Being apart of the military life has taught me many important life lessons and has kept me humble.Patience,understanding and seeing the gifts from within came from having my children.My Jenna was always dramatic but i always knew something was going on with her.She always had social issues but i didn't get her diagnosed till age 9 when she started having consistant problems in school.She is now 10 and each day we take one day at a time.Dylan is 5 and has always had multiple delays with Autistic traits. I wouldn't change a thing about my kids because this is who they are regardless of there challenges. I've been blessed beyond measure and because of them i have started an Autism Charity called Put Together The Pieces-The Autism/Asperger's Support Group Of The Oak Island/Southport Area.I just organized the 1st walk in my town and hope to expand.Its first Autism Awareness Day event is April 20th and am so humbled by the outpouring of support from locals and organizations who have donated to my cause.Our next adventure is the 4th of July parade.

Dina Scalia
Southport, NC

My son Danny's story

350 words huh? That is not enough to share the nightmare my son had to endure before he was even diagnosed with PDD-NOS. Through most of his child-hood and grade school he was labled a "Bad child" when we moved on into Jr. High his teachers, peers and princaple didn't understand him or how he was acting the doctors would not diagnose him. Daniel was arrested and put into detention struggled at home an school because he had no way else to explain his story other then through bad behaivor I cried an pleaded with anyone who would listen PLEASE TEST HIM THERE IS MORE TO HIS ISSUES...Finally after he was removed from my home an put in care they finally tested him, and he has signs of PDD-NOS which is autism spec. Now they kept this from me cause when your a single mom an the state has to pay for your care for your kid they have temp coustody when he came back home to me in Nov 2012 I didnt find out this diagnosis till his team meeting in Dec an everyone in the room was FLOORED, cause here we are trying to help him an make accomidations but no one knew this bit of info. Well after someone took the time to explain this to me an we worked on a plan to help Danny I am proud to say he is doing wonderful and went from an F student to an A student he is still reading at a 5th grade level an his is now almost 15 BUT....he has made so many wonderful strides and he is 100 miles from where he was a year ago. It really is amazing to see the smile on his face everyday cause he knows with the right help he can do it! He is on a modifide day can can't attend regular class rooms yet but just think how far he has come and the possibilites down the road for him are ENDLESS! People need to help raise awareness EVERYWHERE...especially in schools!!!!

Fargo, ND

My angel

My angel

Samantha loves to cook and no matter what she has a smile on her face. Every day she surprises me and the things that she does, I have been told that she would not live very long, will never learn to walk or ride a bike. My angel has Rett Syndrome which is a form of autism. The one thing I do to help deal with the autism and that is breath every minute and take one day at a time without either of those I do not think I could make it. My husband is in the United States Army so I have had my share of deployments and we have six children including Samantha. I believe in one thing mainly and that is God does not give you more then you can handle I thank him for my strength and my children, without these two I would not be who I am today.

Denise Spitzer
Fort Lee, VA

Me Kay

Me Kay

Heya, My name is Kayleigh Marshall but i love to be called Kay for short. I have ASD I'm one foot over the line for autism and this is my story.

I was diagnosed when i was 14 years old, my family for 14 years thought i was just mis-behaving and being naughty when i just didn't understand, i still think to this day doc's should of done better cause then my 14 years would of bin better. I still don't no what i have for autism all i know i it's ASD thats it,
I'm 22 years old now and i struggle most days with it, get angry so easy and don't listen either.

When i was at secondary school i was badly bullied not just by the students but by the teachers as well, not taking there time to understand me and my needs and now cause of them i don't no my maths nor english very well, and my confidence is low and poor but getting there day by day cause of my fiancee.

I just want people out there who don't have kids and do have kids with this please i beg of you take your time and understand what he/she s going through, like i said i find it tough so hard to go through everyday with this.

I also have IBS a bowl syndrome which affects me even more than it should.

One last thing i have zero friends so please read and e-mail me people, i could do with someone.

Thank you for taking your time to read this.

Kay xxx

Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Nevaeh's Autism Awareness Photo Shoot

Nevaeh's Autism Awareness Photo Shoot

Meet Nevaeh! She is 7, Autistic and LOVES to have her pictures taken. So I thought why not have her do a Autism Awareness Photo Shoot?? She rocked it! Here is the finished product Hope you Enjoy!

Sarah Frederick
winter haven, FL

My All time Favorite Cousin

Its been close to 18 years since my baby cousin passed away... Being in India, and never having heard of Autism in my entire life, the only thing we knew was that he was the most gentle boy on earth... He didn't live beyond his 5th birthday... But all of us still can't forget the loose hugs or the wet kisses that he would give us... The way his face would light up when he recognises us...

Now in my late 20s, I keep wondering if we could do anything better for him... Had we known, could we have helped him more? We loved him unconditionally... but we would have given anything to put him more at ease... Ignorance is not bliss. And its not just the adults and the immediate family that should know about them... We need to learn... and know more... All of us do... So that if we come across an autistic angel tomorrow... we should be ready to extend our hand in the way that they are happy with. Its the least we can do.

Chicago, IL

Educating the Public

My older daughter has a son, Peter. He is on the autism spectrum. He is a delight. Peter sets goals for himself and sticks to them. The family recently got a rescue puppy. Peter agreed they should get a dog, but then would not go near the dog. He said he would be better with the dog for his 12th birthday. As he approaches that milestone, he has increased his contact with the puppy. My younger daughter works at Sandy Hook Elementary School. She survived the terrible shooting of December l4th. The media recently released the report of items found in the shooters house. Included was a book on Autism. I would not be so presumptuous to think that no one on the spectrum could ever have mental problems. I feel however, that the media has not been careful to point out that autism is not in itself a mental illness. I hope people will remember that for every troubled person there are more Peters.

Fishkill, NY

I AM someone with Autism... A story of hope & inspiration

I AM someone with Autism... A story of hope & inspiration

My name is Lisa Kozma, I was born July 1st 1989. When I was a baby, I was happy, normal, alert & made eye contact until I was 15 months old. By then I had little/no eye contact, would line up my toys, have consistent meltdowns, was fearful of getting out of the car & was difficult to feed. I should also mention I didn’t start talking until I was 4 years old, my language then consisted of repetitions.

When I was 4 years old, my family heard the news about me that would change their lives…. I was diagnosed with AUTISM.

According to the doctor, the chances of me ever living a normal life were 1 in 4. My family thought differently & never gave up hope.

When I was 16 years old, I auditioned for Canadian Idol. Looking at my life in the NOW... I am in a happy, serious & commited relationship with Vince, volunteering with Big Brothers & Big Sisters as an In School Mentor, & 360 basketball league. I'm currently in my final semester at Durham College in a specialized program called CICE with an area of concentration of ECE. When I graduate, I will be graduating with top honours. I would love to work with autistic children & their families as I would love to give hope and help other families out there. Another dream that I have is to become a motivational speaker for autism in order to inspire, help others, and give hope in order to raise autism awareness.

Being on the spectrum has taught me patience, acceptance, and motivation. The little things in life are a big step for me, this makes me a fighter. I proudly support autism awareness, and am in many autism support groups on facebook.

Lisa Kozma
Courtice, Canada