Stories of Hope

Share your inspiring, hopeful story of how autism touched you.

Parker, parker, everywhere

Parker, parker, everywhere

Parker is 12. I like it when he gets frustrated to the point of cursing, and he just says something like "ORANGE!" It becomes so funny, we all laugh so hard, we forget what started the frustration to begin with. He loves and laughs so much that it makes you happy by default. He wakes up laughing. Oh sure, he hates hair cuts, and hair washes, drinking water, sweet tea. He hates not tying shoe laces all the way up, jumpy dogs, vegetables, did I say hair cuts? He loves so much, swimming, swinging, and drawing, play-doh and youtube, baking and putting away the silver wear from the dishwasher. He loves toy story and the toy section at TJ Max and running through the rug display at Lowe's. We're the luckiest family ever. Parker is so stinkin' cute we get away with too much. He can't talk to you yet he's full of charm. He's brave and friendly. He's a roller coaster fanatic, and they do not make him wait in line at theme parks (but he will with no problem!) He's in 6th grade and this week his teacher (the best one ever) sent a pic of him sitting at her desk. He just took over... and she was not upset. She was proud, and shared. I love his world. I love who he gets to be. I love the new sense of community that has evolved with autism awareness, in a "suburb" in South Carolina of all places. It didn't take therapy, it took empathy. And he turned out just fine. We understand the future holds challenges, but we will just give it a good "ORANGE!" and laugh our way back to ok again. :)

Lexington, SC

Lil Sis Your Amazing just the way you are

Lil Sis Your Amazing just the way you are

My name is Anthony and I am five years old and I have a 4 year old sister named Amanda. She has autism. See when my mom had me and then eight months later found out she was having another baby she had a plan set up for the two of us. She found out she was having a girl so she immediately looked for baby names that started with an A to match my name and she found Amanda and she also was planning on how the two of us would be playmates and would take alot of christmas photoshoots with matching outfits. But when my sister turned one she would always want to play by herself and she would isolate from others. So I kind of liked bothering her and screaming at her just to get her attention. My mom started going to the doctors all the time and now we go to therapy during the week. I think as time goes by I will get used to all this and I love my little sister and ask my mommy why we go to the doctor and therapy and i tell her so they will help Amanda talk? and my mom says yes. My big sister Melanie is mom's helper she babysits us when mommy goes to support meetings and trainings. Our life has changed alot but I would not want to be with another family. Amanda is amazing just the way she is!

Houston, TX

Guadalupe Chapa Jr.

Guadalupe Chapa Jr.

Meet Guadalupe. He likes to be called Lupe or Lupito. He's about to turn 11 years old in May. He's Autistic. A few years ago he didn't like taking pictures and now he does, so I now have alot of pictures of him. He loves the movies Cars and Toy Story. He's my brother and I take care of him like if he was my son. He loves participating in the Olympic Games his school organizes against other schools and always gets excited when he wins first place and gets medals for it. Hope you enjoy my brother's little story.

Lizbeth Chapa
Rio Grande City, TX


Mady just turned 8 on Feb 1st, you will hardly ever see her without her monster high doll. She was diagnosed when she was 4, the doctor said she would never say I love you or be affectionate in any way. Boy was he wrong!! I got mady into school and immediately when i met ms Pam i knew some changes would happen. She helped potty train mady, teach her to brush her teeth, blow her nose, simple things for most kids. The saddest part is that every doctor i took her to wanted to push medicine off on her and either it made her a zombie or made her harm herself worse than she already was. We have been medicine free for a little over 2 years now, her fits are minimal, she follows simple tasks, tells us her needs and wants, and interacts in most things we do. She does have her mady days and is in bad moods, but if we let her draw out her emotions then she quickly calms down. We can all agree life with these kids can be hectic, frustrating and chaotic sometimes, but they sure brighten up your life :) i absolutely cannot imagine and dont want to imagine my life without my mady nor would i want her to be any different because to me she is perfect. autism isn't about making a child fit into your world but trying to fit into theirs.

mandi abney
elkton, KY

How could you not love this face?

How could you not love this face?

I am Mikey's step-mom. I met him when he was 4 years old and became his step-mom a couple years later. He had my heart though from the minute we met. There have been a lot of people that ask me how I could take on a child with Autism and who is non-verbal? I just did. I love him, his dad and his sister as if they were always part of my family with my own children. Some days are not easy, but he is a wonderful child, and how could you not love that face? Together Mikey's father and I have 4 children. Mikey is just 1 part of our puzzle and he fits in perfectly!

Wendy Thiel
North Tonawanda, NY

Undercover Genius

MY grandson is awsome as most grandchildren are. When he was younger I will never forget he touched my cheek and cried. He sensed I had a lot of problems going on. He did not actually know, but he felt it in his heart. He wanted to know if mamaw was ok. I said yes. Another visit to see him we were laughing and talking. His daddy came in(my son) from work. My grandson took my hand and walked me over to my son, he put my hand and his together. Only my family will know the details of all this, some of this is comical. The last visit we ( my grandaughter) were playing legos. For different reasons of coarse my grandson said "Everybody Run"! The last visit down there.well everybody did run. My grandson has a form of autisim. He is smart and caring. He has came a long way. He will suceed in this life. He loves his mama and daddy,his sisters and nephew.

Evansville, IN

I Matter!

I Matter!

My name is Priscilla and I am 9. I love to read, sing , and laugh. I may not be able to express everything that I am feeling, but just know I feel everything. I love to give hugs and say hello to everyone I meet. Hello!

Liscia Allen
Kirkville, NY

my world

my world

This is my Jarrick! Most loving child in the world! He is hilarious and brings a smile to everyone in the room! He is my pride and joy! Wish everyone could meet him:) he means the world to me and my husband! Don't know what I would do without him because he has made his mom a better person!

geneva, OH

A long journey.

A long journey.

My sons name is Alex,he just turned 15 on St Patrick's Day. We began our journey when he was only 16 months old,when I felt he was behind.We went from doctor to doctor,until a diagnosis of sensory integration was agreed upon,with him also having a hearing loss.We did physical therapy,occupational therapy and speech including sign language.He had an IEP through school,which he just graduated out of last month.He also has bad vision with astigmatisms. We still have our good and bad days but, he is mainstreamed at school and doing fair.He is very much a loner but at the same time so full of knowledge,at times he surprises me.He is my world and I love him to pieces.He is often misunderstood and can be short tempered,but at other times he can be the most loving, caring, affectionate child.He tends to worry about others alot.

Nora Lynch
Cincinnati, OH

My bother Paul and I

my bother Paul and I found out diffent ages he found out 2 year old I found 21 year old is really in life know u diffent then other u found u have be hard to hear it did know what it was now do !!!

fayettville, GA