Unsung Heroes

My dad CPL.Wayne L.Coy was in the Army Air Force in WW11.He was being transported across the mediteranian sea to North Africa on a British troop ship the H.M.T.Rohna when it was hit by the first ever guided missle used by the Germans.The ship sunk fast and there were no available lifeboats because the chains to lower them were rusted in place.The only way off the ship was to jump.A man named Sullivan who was older than dad was having trouble making it so dad carried him through the water.While survivors swam through the water they were strafed by machine gun fire every 10 minutes.Finally being rescued by a US minesweeper the SS Pioneer.There were 200 survivors of over 2000 troops aboard.This story was covered up and denied by both the US and British governments for over 50 years.True American Heroes.I knew this happened but dad never talked about it until a writer from San Fransisco brought the story out and eventually wrote a book about it,then dad opened up and talked of it.There are so many heroic stories such as this that occur in every conflict that will never make the history books and people will never hear of.My dad inspired me,we are 3 generations of Air Force veterans,myself in Viet Nam,my son is retiring this week after 24 tears of service in the US Air Force.May God Bless all who have served this Country.Mike,Veterans 4 Christ

Mike Coy
Syracuse, IN