Could Cannabis Be the Cure to Combat PTSD? The Strains of War Is the Provoking New TRUE STORY book released by a Veteran Struggling to Cultivate a Cure and Recover from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. A solider going to war knows to expect the unexpected, and 'Doc' Gage Amsler encountered a lot of expected and unexpected trauma during his time in Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan. But he also stumbled upon a legendary cure hidden in the mountains along the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. He’d heard plenty about this mystical strain of cannabis working as a long time medic... but how much of it was true? Could this particular strain really be the salvation to PTSD? Could he cultivate it? Could he even get it home safely? Doc Gage had no doubt of the need for an effective treatment for PTSD for Vets. It’s no secret that too many of those who have served their country suffer for it for the rest of their lives with flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, a sense of detachment from loved ones, and difficulty functioning in day to day life. He knows how devastating PTSD can be because his own experiences in the military serving in combat areas have left him with PTSD. Across the US, military veterans with PTSD just aren’t getting the help they need. Left to fend for themselves thorough the struggle to re-join civilian society after experiencing the horrors of war, too many find themselves marginalized, isolated and unable to hold down a job due to their PTSD symptoms. Could the strain of cannabis he brought back from war help his fellow vets recover and return to full and rewarding lives? Follow his adventures and misadventures on the quest to develop this cannabis cure in 'The Strains of War'.
Robert Gage AmslerWestland, MI