This is a poem I wrote to my husband and all the other soldiers and their families.......this is My husband and mine first deployment and we are both feeling the effects of not being together this year.......please pass this little poem along and Merry Christmas

Three days before Christmas, how happy I should be, but something is missing, something I cannot see.
The tree is up and presents wrapped, with snow on the ground how perfect is that?
But there is still something missing that won’t be here Christmas day, that something I am missing is 7000 miles away.
Christmas Eve and Christmas day will come and go, with children laughing and playing in the snow.
Although I will be watching them with joy on my face, my heart will feel empty and be in another place.
You see that something I am missing that is so far away, has my heart with him every day.
God bless my soldier and all the others too who are away from their families and missing “something” too.
Penny Williams

Penny Williams
Columbus, IN